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Jun 2, 2021, 25 tweets

(Thread) I've been tinkering with The Big Sleep, a tool for creating AI-generated images using text prompts, and decided to generate some based on things from the MMO @wurmonline, using in-game text descriptions where possible. First up, creatures! (continued)

Hell Hound (prompt: "The hell hound is said to be spies and assassins for the demons of Sol")

I love this one, especially what looks like a weird mish-mash of tendrils composing the head/face.

Lava Spider (prompts: "a giant spider made of lava" and "a giant spider full of lava")

Made these before I settled on using in-game descriptions. Only mostly reminiscent of spiders, fairly abstract, but also fairly creepy.

Spawn of Uttacha (Prompt: "Uttacha is a vengeful demigod who lives in the depths of an ocean on Valrei. These huge larvae are hungry and confused abominations here.")

These are are pretty gross, which is appropriate, but still tough to look at.

Avatar of Magranon (Prompt: "A ferocious beast indeed, the juggernaut can crush mountains with its horned forehead")

I love this guy. He's just a chunky friend with a cool mustache who goes to the gym way too much. He is my son and I want him to succeed in life

Avatar of Libila (Prompt: "This terrifying female apparition has something disturbing over it. As if it's just one facet of Libila")

The AI went in a very ghost-themed direction for this, which is fine enough, since the AI tends to be good at those.

Avatar of Fo (Prompt: "Something seems to have gone wrong as Fo tried to create his manifestation. The thorns are not loving at all and it seems very aggressive.")

Supposed to be a big tree-dude, but the text doesn't imply that well, so we get a mess of bloody thorns instead.

Avatar of Vynora (Prompt: "This female creature is almost see-through, and you wonder if she is made of water or thoughts alone")

The AI kept producing what looked like transparent sea life, but then it struck gold with an eerie feminine figure rising from the waters.

Sheep (Prompt: "A mythical beast of legends, it stares back at you with blood filled eyes and froth around the mouth.")

The description is basically an old in-joke in the game... resulting here in some monstrosities, the latter of which looks like some blood-owl demon.

Lamb (Prompt: "A small cuddly ball of fluff")

I love this tribble-looking space... cat/dog/bunny? Would pet, 10/10

Evil Santa (Prompt: "Some sort of Santa Claus is standing here, with a fat belly, yellow eyes, and a bad breath")

An absolutely feral man with a huge, unkempt mane of white hair and a red cloak, stooped at the edge of your backyard at night. I'm going to have nightmares of this.

And, of course, some seal-related prompts, not using in-game text. First seal: "A seal screams at God under the light of the full moon."

It kind of looks like a seal facing the camera, if you squint!

Second seal: "A group of harbor seals summoning an evil spirit in a field"

The seals look a bit more seal-like here, and definitely appear to be doing something mystical... although the AI doesn't quite know how to fit their bodies together.

Third seal: "An ancient wall scroll depicting a harbor seal destroying a city"

I love this one. Perfect style, long-tailed seal-monster wreaking havoc, what appear to be city blocks and ships, and some ominous ancient-looking text(?) in the middle.

Next up, worgs! First prompt (text a player made up, not the in-game description): "A worg is a formidable, werewolf-like creature, with a muscular frame, coarse fur, sharp teeth, and a foreboding, foul odor."

Bodies are sort of abstract, but I see a face in the first one.

And worgs using in-game description (Prompt: "This wolf-like creature is unnaturally big and clumsy. The Worg seems finicky and nervous, which makes it unpredictable and dangerous to deal with.")

First one is scary. Second is a big floofy dog-thing. Excellent. He is a friend.

Fog Spider, but not using in-game description (Prompt: "A large black spider emerging from a dense fog")

Not sure how spidery the spider looks, but I definitely would not want to see this while exploring the countryside.

Next, a prompt based on a request by a player: "A man digging tar with a shovel on a steep slope"

I wasn't sure which iteration of it I liked better, so here's both.

Another based on a player request: "A man adrift in the ocean at the edge of the world"

One result was very straightforward (with a very glitchy-looking "man"), and the other a bit more... artistic.

Up next, Wurm's moons! I did embellish the in-game descriptions a bit, just to clarify the color and the fact that they're moons.

Seris (Prompt: "A white moon that is a haven for the dead")

I like these both different reasons. The ethereal background on the second is neat.

Jackal (Prompts: "A moon flowing with the blood of the damned", "A red moon flowing with the blood of the damned")

The first is VERY foreboding, and the second really leaned into the "flowing with blood" angle.

Haven (Prompt: "A small teal moon rumored to be where Golden Valley lies")

Interesting style on these. The first appears to be a glowing teal moon over a golden field, and the second... seems to have had a bite taken out of it.

Valrei (Prompt: "A large pale blue moon that is the home of the gods" (1st), "A large pale cyan moon that is the home of the gods" (others))

Some very cool images here! We have a painting complete with artist's signature, some realistic moon photos, and a landscape.

Non-Wurm-related bonus: "King Crimson album art in the style of Dr. Seuss"

Bonus nightmares!

Back to Wurm with an item this time, the Orb of Doom (Prompt: "A round crystal ball the size of your hand, with a treacherous red glow dancing amidst dark vapors inside")

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