Just An Astoundingly Unreasonable Person Profile picture
Not even I know whose opinions are expressed within these chambers
Jun 14, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
For what it's worth, I wasn't trying to tone police her regarding her GoFundMe. I've just been very concerned about her use of Twitter in general, between adamantly accusing her partner of domestic violence at least once, the "we're definitely breaking up" posts, etc. It was probably a bad time/place to mention it. Maybe I should have done it in DM. But I've been afraid to mention it when it was more relevant, because I've seen her react poorly to that sort of thing in the past, and I've been afraid of being quote tweeted, screenshot, etc.
Jun 9, 2021 78 tweets 29 min read
Freenode Meltdown Update # I Can't Believe I'm Still Doing This: #freenode is arguing about whose passwords may have been compromised due to network admins not blocking "nickserv"/"chanserv" names being used by users, possibly resulting in users sending passwords to bad actors. Image Confirmation from Freenode staff that, for some period of time, an IRCop had "their bot" signed in as nickserv and was receiving passwords sent by users attempting to authenticate. Note this was sent as a wallops message (not a global notice), which most users would not see. Image
Jun 2, 2021 25 tweets 13 min read
(Thread) I've been tinkering with The Big Sleep, a tool for creating AI-generated images using text prompts, and decided to generate some based on things from the MMO @wurmonline, using in-game text descriptions where possible. First up, creatures! (continued) Hell Hound (prompt: "The hell hound is said to be spies and assassins for the demons of Sol")

I love this one, especially what looks like a weird mish-mash of tendrils composing the head/face.
May 27, 2021 15 tweets 6 min read
#Freenode meltdown update 4(?): Freenode is now giving operator status to openly bigoted trolls. This is not hyperbole. These logs are from THE PAST DAY. More in second post. (TW transphobia) Image These are all very recent statements, right in the #freenode-policy-feedback. Anyone still on Freenode needs to seriously consider jumping ship as soon as is reasonable for them. ImageImageImageImage