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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Jun 2, 2021, 17 tweets

A stunning self-portrait by Lee Miller
modern archival-toned gelatin silver print from original negative, 1939

Leonora Carrington by Lee Miller
modern archival-toned gelatin silver print from original negative, 1939

Humphrey Jennings by Lee Miller
gelatin silver print, 1942
I didn't know Jennings; he's a documentary filmmaker. Lindsay Anderson in 1954 called him "the only real poet that British cinema has yet produced."
But Miller seems more interested in the smoke...

Henry Moore by Lee Miller
Sketching in a tube station being used as a bomb shelter, 1943
"The mystery of the hole, the mysterious fascination of caves in hill sides & cliffs."
He also said, "The first hole made through a piece of stone is a revelation."

Henry Moore
Pink and Green Sleepers, 1941

Oskar Kokoschka by Lee Miller
modern archival-toned gelatin silver print from original negative, 1950

Lee Miller by David E. Scherman
modern archival-toned gelatin silver print from original negative, 1943
What an appealing figure!

Her fashion photography might seem trivial after her hair-raising war photography & searching portraits, but man, did Lee Miller have an eye!
Picture Post, "Four That Are Wrong And One That Is Right", 1950

Marvellous shots by Lee Miller for Picture Post, "Travel Light For Whitsun", May 1950

Lee Miller took one of the greatest fashion photographs ever taken: "London Says Dress To Suit Yourself", for Picture Post, August 1950. It's like a 17th century Dutch genre painting.

Lee Miller
André Masson, Farley Farm, 1955

Lee Miller
Jean Dubuffet & Georges Limbour, Farley Farm, 1959

Lee Miller
René Magritte, Brussels, 1944

Lee Miller
Roland Penrose, London, 1949
Miller married the surrealist painter in 1947, & became Lady Penrose when he was knighted in 1966. The two were married until Miller's death in 1977.

Lee Miller
Irmgard Seefried sings an aria from ‘Madame Butterfly,’ 1945
A powerful photo that combines Miller's portrait work with her war documentation; this was taken at the bombed-out Vienna Opera House.

In his great book Ring Resounding, John Culshaw tells the story of an American tourist in Vienna after the war, asking someone on the street if he could direct him to the Opera House. "You had no trouble finding it from the air," was the reply.

Self-portrait with a friend: Pablo Picasso & Lee Miller at the Rue des Grands Augustins in Paris, 1944

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