UK Health Security Agency Profile picture
Official feed of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) providing regular news updates on the work of the organisation.

Jun 3, 2021, 6 tweets

We've just published our weekly #COVID19 surveillance report.

Read it here:…

This week's #COVID19 surveillance report shows that case rates are highest in those aged 10-19 years old.

Read the full report here:…

Our weekly #COVID19 surveillance report also shows that case rates are highest in the North West.

Read it here:…

This week's surveillance report shows that hospital admissions for #COVID19 remain highest in those aged 85 and over.

The full report can be accessed here:…

Hospital admission rates for #COVID19 are currently highest in the West Midlands.

Read our full report to find out more:…

Commenting on our weekly #COVID19 surveillance report, Dr Mike Gent emphasises the importance of Hands, Face, Space, Fresh Air guidance:

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