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A boring person who likes stuff. This year’s themes: Dragon Ball, Kinnikuman, Avan

Jun 3, 2021, 12 tweets

May 12th, Age 750: on his third day atop Karin Tower, Goku finally manages to nab the magic water, learns that the real magic was the skills he built along the way, and heads back down to face Tao again. Things go better this time. #HistoryofEver

Meanwhile, sideways in time, things go even worse for Tao. No matter which universe, the conclusion is clear: Tao will never trouble Goku or his friends or family again!

With Tao now totally and completely dead, Goku charges Red Ribbon HQ. His army in ruins, Red spills the beans about his true motives for going after the dragon balls, which Black fails to appreciate. Elsewhere, Gero does...something, presumably.

With Red now totally and completely dead, Black takes on Goku, loses, and that’s that. The Red Ribbon Army will never trouble Goku again! The world is forever safe from their threat!

But Goku is still short one dragon ball, which is a shame since he now wants to revive Bora. When even the Dragon Radar fails to picks up the final ball, Goku goes to Roshi’s psychic sister for help.

Long story short, Goku wins and has a touching reunion with his ghost grandpa. Baba figures out the final ball’s location, which turns out to be in the hands of Pilaf and co.

As if beating Tao, the RR, and three of Baba’s five fighters all in one day weren’t enough, now Goku has to fight Pilaf’s stupid robots. He wins and that’s that. Pilaf will never trouble Goku again! The world is forever safe from his...threat? Something like that.

With all the balls, Goku summons Shenlong (his second appearance) and resurrects Bora (the first person in the series to get revived like this). He make sure to grab the 4-Star Ball so that he won’t have to bother with this whole song and dance again next year.

While Goku’s off wishing, Baba makes a startling prediction: one day that goofy kid will save the world! Clearly Baba foresees Goku’s key role in halting Moro’s attempt to devour Earth.

Meanwhile Roshi decides to take Yamcha under his wing as a new pupil, and once Goku returns the group closes out this long day by promising to meet again at the next tournament...which will thankfully be only three years later rather than five, thanks to its rising popularity.

So yeah: the entire final portion of the RR arc and the entire Baba mini-arc occur over the course of a single rather jam-packed day. This puts the total timespan of the arc (in the manga anyway) at five days, from May 8th to May 12th in the daizenshuu dates.

Tomorrow: world tour!

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