John Roberts Profile picture
Actuary for far too many years. Welsh, but now live in the spiritual home of the Wurzels out west. Don’t think I’ve got the accent yet. Like zider though...

Jun 3, 2021, 5 tweets

Thu vaccine update:
522k doses today, down over a fifth on last week, and the 6th consecutive day of falls, bringing the 7D total down from 4.2m to 3.5m in just 6 days.

1st doses of 173k are hit hardest today, down over a quarter, so the 7D total is now just 1.1m.


2nd doses of 349k are down 18%, but on a positive note, after reaching 75% coverage of adults yesterday on 1st doses, today we pass the 50% mark of adults who have been fully vaccinated.

England next...


We're now getting a daily age breakdown so unlike previous weeks, this is fully up to date, not 3 days behind.

We can see there's still someway to go to get all over 50s fully dosed.

Let's compare younger ages with the rest of the UK next...


We can see how Wales has vaccinated around twice the number of 18-29s than the other countries to date, and is also ahead for those in their thirties, albeit by a lesser amount.


It's hard not to draw a link between the previous chart and the data on the government dashboard regarding infections, backed up by the most recent ONS data that shows Wales under half the level of the other three countries.


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