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I have faith in people. Get some #Danalysis when you can. . Retired firefighter and 28yr Marketing Exec. I know shit.

Jun 3, 2021, 9 tweets

Still working through some stuff on Sinema
Mostly what might be an influence for her as she moves through the years.

Initially, she received monies from progressive PACS and worked together to raise money using a PAC with Joe Kennedy III. That makes sense.
However, she raised more money for her 2018 race than anytime before.

And over 5 years she has raised around $26M + and spent what looks appropriate (if that’s how it works in politics)

There is one PAC though that has provided some of her largest amounts. Many members on that Advisory Board are conservative leaning. Board consists of

Ex-Bush folks, someone who worked in Dennis Hastert’s office @soychicka (that’s weird)

Then we have some folks connected to Republican officials and then we have a Fox News analyst and then another connected to a KOCH funded organization....
Still, not unusual at all to receive money from both sides.

And honestly, I don’t know much about Curtis, but he seems successful.
Still nothing to weird

Here’s the link to Votesane which is definitely connected to conservative groups.
They donated around $165,000 over

And they are spreading their funds around to everyone, but mostly Republicans.

So, looking at her donors is next and look at who, but so far, nothing interesting for me.

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