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Covering lobbying and corruption for Mother Jones. Derrick White advocate.

Jun 4, 2021, 9 tweets

I am here on the 102nd floor of one World Trade Center for the “First anniversary Celebration of the New Federal State of China, Guo Wengui/Miles Kwok’s and Steve Bannon’s anti CCP org. Themes: China created Covid in a lab; China hacked voting machines to rig the election.

Mike Lindell is confident the Supreme Court will rule 9-0 by August to “pull this election down.” Trump “is gonna be back in by the end of August,” Lindell says.

Giuliani confers with Bannon and Lindell.

Bannon, in black tie attire, asks Lindell if the election hacking Lindell just “proved” China did was “an act of war.” It was, Lindell says. Then Bannon leads a “take down the CCP” chant.

Dr. Yang Li-Meng, who argues China created Covid as a bioweapon, thanking supporters. She also said: “No vaccine has worked. We need a safe vaccine and the vaccine cannot overcome biowarfare.” Vaccine skepticism is also a theme here.

Giuliani says the pandemic should be called the “Fauci pandemic.”

Giuliani calls other people, Cuomo,
Whither, Newspm, authoritarians here.

The theme of Rudy’s speech is that the CCP is behind Covid, Black Lives Matter and many other things he thinks are bad. “This is a Chinese Party conspiracy to erode and destroy their only real rival in the world.”

Peter Navarro is live on video, still attacking Dr. Fauci. Says Fuaci had committed unspecified “crimes.”

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