Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪 Profile picture
@AFP HK correspondent / reach via / Tweets are my own / RT not endorsement

Jun 4, 2021, 10 tweets

#NOW League of Social Democrats opened a street booth on the Great George St, a vibrant commercial lane leading to Victoria Park. Two plain clothed police reminded them to “follow laws in HK”. Chan Po-ying an LSD veteran said “we’ll talk about history and CY Leung will be cited”

Displaying Wen Wei Po front pages back on June 4 1989 and CY Leung’s open condemnation of the bloody crackdown, LSD’s Raphael Wong said, “Beijing loyalists, is this fake news too? Is CY Leung smearing the central authority?”

Half hour to the usual moment of lighting a candle, more are off from work and out on street, taking candles distributed by the League of Social Democrats. How many of them will be lit tonight?

When people can’t pool in Victoria Park for a proper candlelight vigil, they pour out on streets and from streams of phone torch lights and LED candles.

He walked towards me and looked into my camera when he was about to cross the road and saw me filming. A ample silent moment.

This young couple, for I am not sure how long, standing next to the three policemen, and holding a light-on phone.

A light on a cordon line.

Is white the right colour if black is considered wrong ? Seems not for these two.

3 VA students in their early 20s turned themselves into candles by wearing white funeral uniforms and yellow caps, and stood on a street in Causeway Bay before police drove them away. It’s their 2nd try and lasted only about 3mins but big round of applause from watchers.

Standing at any part of Causeway Bay’s heartland between Victoria Park and Times Square, you can see countless dots of light - mostly from people’s phone - flowing by or sitting along the pavement as the vigil, which used to happen in the Park, was forced to spread.

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