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Jun 4, 2021, 12 tweets

10 Books Recommended by 10 Successful Startup Founders

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1. Book: Range

Recommended by:
Kunal Shah, Founder- CRED

Studying the world's most successful people in the world, the author demonstrates why in most fields generalists, not specialists are primed to excel.

2. Book: Thinking, Fast and Slow

Recommended by:
Sahil Lavingia, founder- Gumroad

This book reveals how the minds are tripped up by error and prejudice. It gives you practical techniques for slower & smarter thinking.

3. Book: The Courage To Be Disliked

Recommended by:
Stewart Butterfield, founder-Slack

The book shows you how to unlock the power within yourself to become your best and truest self, change your future and find lasting happiness.

4. Book: High Output Management

Recommended by:
Brian Chesky, co-founder - Airbnb

The book is a practical handbook for navigating real-life business scenarios and a powerful management manifesto.

5. Book: Influence- the psychology of persuasion

Recommended by:
Tobi Lütke, founder- Shopify

The book is based on the understanding and study of why people tend to say 'Yes’. The author has done extensive research on the mind.

6. Book: Originals

Recommended by:
Whitney Wolfe, founder- Bumble

The authors address the challenge of improving the world: choosing to champion novel ideas and values that go against battle conformity and outdated traditions.

7. Book: The Inner Game of Tennis

Recommended by:
Patrick Collison, co-founder- Stripe

Built on the foundation of Zen thinking and humanistic psychology, the book will teach you how to develop your concentration for peak performance.

8. Book: The Art of War

Recommended by:
Evan Spiegel, co-founder- Snapchat

The book will teach you how to quickly resolve conflicts when they arise, act with courage and control your emotions before they control you.

9. Book: The Hard Thing About Hard Things

Recommended by:
Drew Houston, co-founder- Dropbox

The author analyzes the problems that confront leaders every day, sharing the insights he’s gained developing, managing & selling tech cos.

10. Book: Fooled by Randomness

Recommended by:
Matt Mullenweg, founder- WordPress

Everyone wants to succeed in life. But what causes some of us to be more successful than others? This book will change the way you think about the world.

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