Taylor Welch Profile picture
I grow businesses for a living. One wife, two kids, and a couple thousand clients. Four 8-figure brands and just getting started.

Jun 4, 2021, 8 tweets

Despite being a voracious reader, I’ve found some books are just so good you need to slow down & re-read them more than once.

Here’s a list of my favorite books to re-read often, along with accompanying book notes w/ my personal highlights 👑

Merry Christmas ;)

(1) The Road Less Stupid, Keith Cunningham

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(2) High Performance Habits, Brendon Burchard

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(3) Principles, Ray Dalio

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(4) Stillness Is the Key, Ryan Holiday

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(5) Laws of Human Nature, Robert Greene

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(6) Sometimes You Win Sometimes You Learn, John Maxwell

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You should buy all of these books and read them.

My notes will be different than your notes.

I’ve read each of these books a dozen times (some of them more) and each time something new stands out.

Enjoy 💪

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