Scott MacFarlane Profile picture
CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

Jun 4, 2021, 6 tweets

Here's what's striking if you read through the 460+ US Capitol Insurrection criminal cases ...

So many defendants in US Capitol Insurrection are accused of threatening or invoking the name of Nancy Pelosi

Haunting allegations


Charging documents say Oliver Sarko of Ohio has video from Jan 6 saying, "Bring out Pelosi"

Leonard Ridge of Pennsylvania is accused of saying "America First B***h" upon entering Capitol and using Snapchat to say he raided Nancy Pelosi's office

Richard Harris of Florida is accused of picking up phone in Capitol and saying, "“Can I speak to Pelosi? We’re coming b*** ."

Feds allege Audrey Southard-Rumsey also said "Tell Pelosi we are coming for that b**" before shoving police sgt & pushing him into door w/ flagpole ("felt like he was being trampled")

And.. there's Richard Barnett of Alabama. The man accused of putting his feet on desk in Pelosi suite, taking mail and leaving vulgar note

Fundraising website for his legal defense is offering signed photos of Barnett with feet on desk.... for $100

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