Matthew Kavanagh Profile picture
Director, Center for Global Health Policy & Politics @oneillinstitute @georgetown @gtownSOH Prof of global health. Special Advisor @UNAIDS

Jun 4, 2021, 8 tweets

Ahead of UN #HLM2021AIDS we're thrilled to work with partners at @gnpplus @Aidsfonds_intl @UNAIDS to share new policy briefs on urgency of law & policy reform
Thread on some of what we find👇...

[Stay tuned Monday for a new paper on empirical impacts]

Criminalization of same-sex relationships, drug use, sex work, and HIV exposure remain wide-spread despite clear evidence and global norms against. New UN targets: reduce the orange and yellow bars to 10%. Lots to do.

But there are many protective laws that also need adopting. Strong gender-based violence laws have been adopted by 114 countries, but more work to do on adoption & implementation.

Having strong, independent human rights institutions is key to allow PLHIV and KPs to report rights violations and seek redress... 39% of countries do, 61% dont have.

Non-discrimination laws, too, are more widely needed--just 23% of countries prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and HIV status.

Law & policy change is possible... good news that countries like Angola and India have decriminalized same-sex relationships, New Zealand decriminalized sex work, Colombia decriminalized HIV exposure, and Portugal decriminalized drug use.

The continuing work of the @HIVLawCom continues to spotlight these issues--powerful to see #HumanRights moving into concrete, if aspirational, goals in the new #HLM2021AIDS draft text. Law reform is key.

Powerful #HIVPolicyLab partners gathering law and policy information to generate data and accountability include @apnplus @ILGAWORLD @GlobalSexWork

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