The Bitcoin Conference Profile picture
The world’s largest #Bitcoin conference! 🇺🇸 Nashville 🇭🇰 Hong Kong @BitcoinConfAsia 🇳🇱 Amsterdam @BitcoinConfEUR 🇦🇪 MENA @BitcoinMenaConf

Jun 4, 2021, 18 tweets

We've been keeping these "close-to-the-hip"

Introducing the Official Bitcoin 2021 + The Skatepark Project™ “1-of-1" deck signed by @tonyhawk

Available only at Bitcoin 2021 in Miami*

Bidding only available through @scarcedotcity…

*If you win the auction and you're not at the conference, we will ship the deck to you.

Each unique deck comes with an @infiniteobjects that plays the looping image from the #NFT certificate of authenticity. (Yes, each deck comes with an NFT minted on @Raretoshi)

Nicole DiCicco

Tony will be signing each deck on-site right before he goes on stage to talk Bitcoin!

Auction open until the end of the conference on June 5

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