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Jun 4, 2021, 6 tweets


Norway is leading the world in BEV market development and we will now start using the quarterly sales in the Norway market as a proxy window to view the vehicles that are being offered for sale in Europe

Here is Norway market share by vehicle for 2021 Q1

As many of you know, we have also started analysing the characteristics of BEVs offered in Europe using vehicles available in Germany as our reference point and the ADAC database as our data source

This is one of the charts from our current analysis

Our summary charts already include some "Tesla Model 3 ICEV Competitors" selected by ADAC plus most of the top-selling BEVs in Norway

- and we will add more over time to build out a more complete picture of the higher volume vehicles

Here are the Starting Prices for each model

And here are the Range numbers for the BEVs

Response or Acceleration Performance is another key measure of these vehicles

And Power Consumption plays an important role in vehicle Range

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