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Jun 4, 2021, 7 tweets

1/ The latest CDC MMWR study released today is being used by major media outlets to suggest COVID hospitalizations are rising in 12-17 year old children - except they aren't. The CDC's own data contradicts this. The CDC cherry-picked dates in their study to push a narrative.

2/ First, let's look at the time they cut off their study - April 24th. Based on the graph below, you do see increased hospitalization rates in 12-17 year olds from March to April 24th.

3/ Coincidentally, April 24th was also when hospitalizations peaked and declined for these age groups - why did the CDC end their study right at this point, I wonder?

4/ "Rising hospitalizations" also misses very important context - hospitalizations were rising in ALL age groups around this time frame in the Spring - even the most-vaccinated cohort (>65) - and at faster rates. Yet they use this study to justify why teen vaccinations are needed

5/ Something in this MMWR study that is worth mentioning, though - almost HALF (172 out of 376) of "COVID" hospitalizations in this age group were likely there for something other than COVID - further supporting the claim child COVID hospitalization numbers are inflated

6/ Additionally in this table, of the 172 children admitted to the hospital, but not for COVID, over 44% were there for psychiatric care. This seems like a pretty alarming number, but we'd need to see what the baseline is for psychiatric admissions of adolescents.

7/ It's becoming increasingly obvious the CDC is not an unbiased, agenda-free scientific organization. Just a month ago it was found they let teachers unions influence school reopening guidance. Their reputation rightfully continues to quickly deteriorate.…

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