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Jun 5, 2021, 7 tweets

Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay !

Safeguarding & restoring ecosystems globally will help boost greener & healthier recovery efforts from the #COVID19 pandemic.

WHO’s 6⃣ prescriptions for a healthier & greener #COVID19 recovery👉

Nature is the foundation of physical & mental health.

Protecting & restoring nature is 🗝️ to a green recovery.

👉 #GenerationRestoration

Invest in essential services, from water & sanitation to clean energy in healthcare facilities.

Around the 🌍🌎🌏, billions of people lack access to the most basic services that are required to protect their health.

👉 #GenerationRestoration

Ensure a quick healthy energy transition.

More than 90% of people breathe outdoor air with pollution levels that exceed WHO air quality guideline values.

👉 #GenerationRestoration

Promote healthy, sustainable food systems.

Meeting WHO’s dietary guidelines would save millions of lives worldwide, reduce disease risks, and bring major reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions.

👉 #GenerationRestoration

Build healthy, liveable cities 🏙️.

Public transport, walking and cycling bring major health benefits through reducing air pollution, road traffic injuries.

👉 #GenerationRestoration

Stop using taxpayers’ money to fund pollution.

It‘s time to stop paying the pollution bill, both through our pockets and our lungs.

👉 #GenerationRestoration

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