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Jun 5, 2021, 8 tweets

@irah777 @OpIndia_com @BefittingFacts A lot of false equivalences. To begin with this one.

1. The VVPAT that sits in the middle is an active device and one which was connected to an external device like SLU or laptop for symbol loading unlike the BU which was an electromechanical device.

@irah777 @OpIndia_com @BefittingFacts Another erroneous assumption on both counts.

1. There is no active verification at the time of voting as irrespective of whether voter has seen the vote or not, the printed slip falls down & gets stored.

2. VVPAT auditing (not verification) during counting is less than 2%.

@irah777 @OpIndia_com @BefittingFacts Another false equivalence of VVPAT as printers.

No computer connects its keyboard to CPU through a printer. If that is done, then having access to printers would be sufficient to raise alarms

Here data from input device (BU) comes to CU through this so called printer (VVPAT)!

@irah777 @OpIndia_com @BefittingFacts Here he says it is "most likely" designed around ASIC and hence we should just remove all doubts of hacking!!

I mean, that is not how system security works.

Either you give full details of the design and claim this is why it cannot be tampered with or you raise questions.

@irah777 @OpIndia_com @BefittingFacts Another wrong equivalence.

It is not just about whether it is connected to an external device or not. But equally about when it is connected.

Symbol loading to VVPATs happen after
1. date of polls known
2. sequence of candidates known
3. allocation of booths to EVMs known.

@irah777 @OpIndia_com @BefittingFacts Another erroneous assumption. BUs simply passed the signal (Votes).

VVPATs store it & send it to CU only after VVPAT paper slip is printed.

You can try this out by switching off the VVPAT immediately after vote is cast in the next election. CU won't register any vote. :)

@irah777 @OpIndia_com @BefittingFacts "It doesn't look like designers would have compromised... or such eminent designers won't do this" is not a comforting argument. Considering the amount of jugaad that is built into the VVPAT machine, there are more questions to be asked to the designers.

@irah777 @OpIndia_com @BefittingFacts If you are seriously interested in understanding why I asked those questions, I would like you to read the below article. theindiaforum.in/article/vulner…

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