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Jun 5, 2021, 21 tweets

In “Hindu Temples - What happened to them - Vol 1” Shree Sitaram Goel provides a revealing insight breaking the myth of the true “liberalism” of the Sufi sect of Islam which is regarded by many Leftist historians & apologists as secular & peace-loving towards Hindus

He provides citations from the books Miftah-ul-Futuh, Tarikh-i-Alai & Ashiqa
by Amir Khusru (1325 CE) the “saintly & spiritual” disciple of Shaikh Nizamuddin Awliya, who is celebrated as a Sufi singer, musician, poet and scholar.

Khusru is hailed as the father of a composite Hindu- Muslim culture & the pioneer of secularism. These “peaceful” excerpts show how happy Khusru was to praise Jalaluddin Khalji, Alauddin Khalji & their military, as he describes their terrible destruction of Hindu temples.

“1. Jhain: Next morning he (Jalalud-Din) went again to the temples and ordered their destruction. While the soldiers sought every opportunity of plundering, the Shah was engaged in burning the temples and destroying the idols.

There were two bronze idols of Brahma, each weighing more than a 1000 mans. These were broken to pieces & the fragments distributed among the officers, with orders to throw them down at the gates of the Masjid on return (to Delhi)

2. Devagiri: He (Alaud-Din) destroyed the temples of the idolaters and erected pulpits and arches for

3. Somanath: They made the temple prostrate itself towards the Kaaba. You may say that the temple first offered its prayers and then had a bath (i.e. the temple was made to topple and fall into the sea)

He (Ulugh Khan) destroyed all the idols and temples, but the biggest idol to the court of his Godlike Majesty so that in the ancient stronghold of idolatry, the summons to Muslim prayers was proclaimed so loudly that they heard it in Misr (Egypt) and Madain (Iraq)

4. Delhi: Alaud-Din ordered the circumference of the new minar to be made double of the old one (Qutb Minar). The stones were dug out from the hills and the temples of the infidels were demolished to furnish a supply.

5. Ranthambhor: This strong fort was taken by the slaughter of the stinking Rai. Jhain was also captured, an iron fort abode of idolatry, & a new city of the people of the faith arose. The temple of Bahir (Bhairava) Deo and temples of other gods, were all razed to the ground

6. Brahmastpuri (Chidambaram): Malik Kafur heard that in Bramastpuri there was a golden idol. He then determined on razing the temple to the ground. It was the holy place of the Hindus which the Malik dug up from its foundations with the greatest care.

And the heads of brahmans and idolaters danced from their necks and fell to the ground at their feet, and blood flowed in torrents. The stone idols called Ling Mahadeo, which had been established a long time at the place

On which the women of the infidels rubbed their vaginas for satisfaction, these, up to this time, the kick of the horse of Islam had not attempted to break. The Musulmans destroyed the lings and Deo Narain fell down

And other gods who had fixed their seats there raised feet and jumped so high that at one leap they reached the fort of
Lanka, and in that fright the lings themselves would have fled had they had any legs to stand on

7. Madura: They found the city empty for the Rai had fled with the Ranis, but had left two or three hundred elephants in the temple of Jagnar (Jagannatha). The elephants were captured and the temple burnt

8. Fatan: (Pattan): There was another rai in these parts, a Brahmin named Pandya Guru - his capital was Fatan, where there was a temple with an idol in it laden with jewels. The rai fled when the army of the Sultan arrived at Fatan

They then struck the idol with an iron hatchet, and opened its head. Although it
was the very Qibla of the accursed infidels, it kissed the earth and filled the holy treasury

9. Malabar: On the right hand and on the left hand the army has conquered from
sea to sea, and several capitals of the gods of the Hindus, in which Satanism has prevailed since the time of the Jinns, have been demolished.

All these impurities of infidelity have been cleansed by the Sultans. The destruction of idol-temples, beginning with his first holy expedition to Deogir, so that the flames of the light of the Law (of Islam) illumine all these unholy countries,

The places for the criers of prayers are
exalted on high, and prayers are read in mosques. Allah be praised! “

This is the real story of how Islamic invaders sought to destroy the very foundations of Hindu society and culture is

It is Leftist historians & later Bollywood who kept these insidious myths of the secular & peace living Sufis alive. The words of the champion of Sufism - Amir Khusru are enough evidence to show how much they enjoyed destroying Hindu culture for the sake of Islam.

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