Savitri Mumukshu - सावित्री मुमुक्षु Profile picture
तुच्छ्येनाभ्वपिहितं यदासीत्तपसस्तन्महिनाजायतैकम् । Designer & Entrepreneur, Proud Hindu, Busting History myths, Wife & Mom, Writer, Culinary & AI Artist. No DMs
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Jun 21 8 tweets 7 min read
This LIE that Brahmanas burnt down Nalanda will be put to rest once & for all with this 🧵of undeniable evidence

The book that is being cited to support this horrific lie is Taranatha’s “History of Buddhism in India”. First this book is not considered a histiography because it cites many supernatural miracles to glorify Buddhism. However even if we ignore all that, Taranatha himself provides the unexpected clues that leftists deliberatrly leave out to distort history.

The first clue is that Taranatha describes the history of Sri Nalendra (Nalanda) in elaborate detail as a monastery where “more than a 1000 Brahmans & an EQUAL number of Tirthikas took up ordination”
This CLEARLY proves that in Taranatha’s context Tirthikas & Hindu Brahmanas were NOT the same otherwise why would he mention them as SEPARATE categories in the same sentence?

In another reference Taranatha clearly refers to Buddhists converting BOTH Brahmanas & Tirthikas to Buddhism in Gujarat. Why would he say this if they were one & the same? Yet another reference refers to Buddhists separately defeating a Nirgrantha, a Brahmana & a Tirthika in a debate.

Clearly Brahmana & Tirthika were separate categories.Image
Now that Taranatha’s own passages have established that Brahmanas & Tirthikas were NOT the same, let’s see what the real role of Brahmanas was as described by Taranatha himself.

In chapter 20, Taranatha describes the famous episode of the king’s minister holding an inaugral feast at a temple in Nalanda, where Buddhist Sramanas bullied two Tirthika beggars & unleashed dogs on them. This angered them so much that they practiced austerities to gain Siddhis & take revenge

After 12 years the Tirthika attained Siddhis, & performed a fire worship whose ashes produced fire which burnt down Nalanda & its libraries. But the most CRUCIAL part that Leftists like DN Jha cleverly leave out of Taranatha’s account is at the end of the story where Taranatha says that the Nalanda “temples damaged by the fire were reconstructed by King Buddhapaksa, the BRAHMANA Śanku, the BRAHMANA Brihaspati & many householders.”

In the next chapter, Tarantha further describes how this same Brahmana Śanku knew esoteric magic about Nagas & was a devout Hindu who built a Vaisnavite Garuda Stambha for protection against snakebites. Thus there is no question that Śanku clearly was a Hindu Brahmana.

This is conclusive proof that Brahmanas were not involved in the burning of Nalanda & its libraries, but they actively reconstructed & rebuilt the structures at Nalanda after the fire. This decisively busts leftist lies about Brahminical fanatics persecuting Buddhists.Image
Jun 21 10 tweets 9 min read
Is this some kind of joke? Can you deny the evidence provided by Tipu Sultan himself in his OWN words in letters & his manifesto describing his desire to wipe out Hinduism & mass convert Hindus by his sword, for the "Glory of I-slum"?

In his own letters "Ghazi" Tipu Sultan gloats about forcibly converting 50,000 Hindu prisoners from Coorg into the "Ahmedy" class of new Mohammadan converts. During the attack on Coorg he specifically instructed his soldiers to mass circumcise not just the living but even DEAD corpses of Hindu prisoners from Coorg!Image
2000 Hindu Nāyars at Kuttippuram, Kerala were forcibly converted to Mohammadism by circumcision & compelled to eat beef by Tipu. Similarly 1000s of Hindus of Kittoor were forcibly circumcised leading to 2000 Brahmin suicides. Every Hindu house in Palghat was forcibly converted.

May 25 8 tweets 6 min read
The article by @AKanisetti is pure ahistorical trash. Desecrating Hindu temples to build a mosque at Qutub complex was NOT architectural reuse but Islamic BARBARISM. "Human figures" (aka Murtis) were not just defaced but excised brutally. Kirtimukhs & elephants were mutilated. 🧵

Everywhere in the "mosque", broken ruins of Hindu & Jain temples lie scattered like garbage. Muslims deliberately wanted to show contempt for Hindu symbols this way. The name "Quwwat ul Islam" itself means "Might of Islam" - clearly indicating it was built to trample over Hindus

May 20 11 tweets 7 min read
Anpadh imbecile KRK - this is what happens when you learn history from Tawaifs of Bollywood.
Actual evidence shows that every Mughal king sent MILLIONS in looted money to Mecca/Medina while draining India's wealth & ensuring horrific famines starved Lakhs of Hindus in India.
🧵 A record of exact statistics on Mughal money sent to Mecca begins with Akbar in 1576 who sent Rs. 600,000 with costly gifts like 12,000 dresses of honor & extra cash for constructing a Khanqah. The average salary for a normal Indian at this time was just 3 rupees per month! Image
May 8 6 tweets 3 min read
In Feb. 1824, Ram Mohan Roy wrote a letter "Prospects of Christianity" to Harvard's Henry Ware where he recommended bribing "outcast" Hindus to convert & of his offer to send "as many" Hindus as possible to a Christian neighbor, to convert Hindus with a salary of Rs. 8 per month.
The letter titled "A Letter on the Prospects of Christianity & the means of promoting its reception in India" was a reply to Unitarian Christian preacher Rev. Henry Ware of Harvard who sent him a list of questions to work out a strategy on how Hindus of India could be converted. Image
Apr 28 8 tweets 5 min read
One of the biggest myths is that Mughals invented the miniature school of painting in India. But Akbar under whose rule miniature "Mughal" painting supposedly developed had 17 eminent court artists - out of which a whopping 13 were Hindu, due to their superior artistic skills.

Artists like Baswan, Lal, Daswanth, Kesu, Mukund, Haribans, Jagannath, etc. from castes like Kahar, Kayastha, Chitera, Silavat & Khati, show Hindus from all castes were the creators of the best "Mughal" miniature paintings, but the credit was given to Persians in Mughal courts.
Apr 20 8 tweets 4 min read
Siraj ud-Daulah impregnated Madhavi, his own Hindu official Mohanlal's pretty sister. Terrified that his grandfather Alivardi Khan would find out, Siraj tied his newborn baby to a horse’s back & shot an arrow at its leg to ensure the horse would bolt wildly & kill the baby.
A panicky Madhavi begged her brother Mohanlal to save her baby. Mohanlal immediately rode off, somehow managing to stop the horse & rescue the infant. Mohanlal, a Kashmiri Pandit, was shocked by Siraj’s action & left Murshidabad with his sister Madhavi & her baby for good.
Apr 9 5 tweets 4 min read
Chaitra Shukla Pratipada is NOT just regional.
Ugadi - Yug (era) + Adi (new start) or Samvatsarādi is the 1st day of Hindu lunisolar New Year & the day when Sri Brahma created the universe
Gudi (flag) + Padwa (Pratipada) refers to ancient Vedic Indradhvaja festival on this day

Also called Samvatsārambha-utsava it was when rituals of eating Neem, offering cool drinks, offering oil to Brahmans & women, reading omens, presenting gifts to scholars, listening to the almanac were all specified in Sanskrit texts Sāmrājyalakshmīpițhika & Jayasimhakalpadruma

Apr 4 15 tweets 6 min read
Imagine if Be****liity, pedo, necro, sexual slavery, marital r@p3 - were NOT punishable by legal code. Such legal code from the authoritative Islamic Hanafi lawbook Al-Hedaya STILL guides Sharia in courts & is taught to scholars in Madrasas in India TODAY.
🧵 Image Over 90% of Muslims in India, Pakistan & Bangladesh follow the Hanafi school of Islamic law. Their most authoritative text is Al-Hidaya by Al-Marghinani (12th c.). Hidaya is the primary guide for Hanafi law in Sharia courts & several years of study are devoted to it in Madrasas.
Mar 26 8 tweets 5 min read
Time to bust your pathetic LIES portraying barbaric Mughals as syncretic saints celebrating Holi. Your own source Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri itself proves Eid-e-Gulabi/Aab-e-Pashi is NOT Holi but a Persian festival called Ab-i-Pashan held in in Persian months Khordad/Tir (June-July) 🧵

Mughals who never identified as Indians but identified with Islamic Persian culture used the Gulab Pash - an elongated rose water vase with a perforated sprinkler. Akbar introduced the festival Ab-i-Pashan in Tir/July to his court, where Gulab Pash is used to sprinkle rose-water.

Mar 13 6 tweets 3 min read
To say Vedic women were not educated is a blatant LIE.

Both Panini (>6th c. BCE & Patanjali attest to women studying in Vedic schools (Charanas) proven by specific terms. A female student of Kaṭha school was called Kaṭhī, one of Bahvṛicha school was called Bahvṛichī, etc.

Kātyāyana & Patanjali refer to women studying grammatical system of Āpiśali as Āpiśalā Brāhmanī or a female student studying Panian grammar as Pāninīyā Brāhmanī. Women students studying Mímāmsā works of Kāśakritsni were referred to as Kāśakritsnī.
Mar 9 8 tweets 5 min read
Can you name the Hindu temple where this Shiva-Parvati pandal is located?
Well - this is not a temple in India at all but a recreation of the reception area of a 7th c. mansion in Penjikent,Tajikistan with paintings of Weshparkar & Nana - the Sogdian versions of Shiva-Parvati.
🧵 Image Almost 80 houses from 720-30 CE were excavated in Pendjikent, Tajikistan with exterior pillared porches & outdoor paintings depicting Weshparkar (Shiva) with Trishula & Nana (Durga) with sun & moon in her hands along with Panchatantra stories & Hindu gods like Surya on chariot.

Feb 25 5 tweets 4 min read
4000+ years ago, brick houses in SSC site Kalibangan had courtyards, 6/7 rooms, & staircases to upper floor. Ritual brick fire altars were found in many houses, which were not for cooking as they had a long, thin raised column in the middle.

Midjourney AI walkthrough by me. 🧵

Each house faced 2 to 3 streets & was part of a grid layout in the township. The main doorway opened onto the street. There were covered drains in the street made from kiln fired bricks so that they were waterproof. Terracotta pipes along walls drained extra water from roofs.

Feb 23 4 tweets 3 min read
1) Vijayanagar kings used temple taxes to build, serve & protect 100s of temples while Aurangzeb DESTROYED 1000s of temples after taxing Hindus.

2) Aurangzeb's Jizya tax on Hindus was RANSOM just to be able to live in an Islamic state. But Muslims under his rule paid NO taxes.

100% of Jizya collected by torturing Hindus went to Muslim charities & stipends. The stipends went to the Ulama or Muslim theologians - the same virulent fanatics hell-bent on humiliating Hindus & doing Jihad on them. Even Aurangzeb's sister & son begged him to remove Jizya.

Feb 3 22 tweets 18 min read
Those who threaten that ASI should excavate Hindu temples for Jain ruins conveniently IGNORE 100s of Islamic mosques built on top of mutilated remains of Jain & Hindu temples, like the Jami Masjid of Ahmedabad where a black marble Murti of Pārasnātha lies desecrated.

In 1411, Ahmed Shah 1 ravaged Karnavati, decimating 100s of Jain & Hindu temples. Every desecrated deity, pillar, niche & stone was savagely broken & used to "build" the Jami Masjid as a trophy over Kafirs, glorifying Islamic fanaticism & iconoclasm just like Gyanvapi.

Jan 23 9 tweets 5 min read
If Mughals were such great builders & recorded everything unlike us - how many manuals on architecture did they write?


Not a SINGLE manual on architectural or building techniques by Mughals exists. In contrast Hindus have 140 + elaborate manuals on architecture alone!
🧵 Image So how did Mughals build such grand “Indo-Saracenic” architecture?
The answer is clear - they built nothing. They just took over Hindu buildings & Islamicized them or forced Hindus to make them.
Not a single one of the 30 most famous Mughal treatises is about building anything.
Jan 16 14 tweets 7 min read
Lying Eyeshadow bandit claims Aurangzeb destroyed only few temples & only 80 temples were destroyed by Muslims from 1192-1729 AD. Yet Aurangzeb's OWN OFFICIAL biography Maāsir-I-Ālamgiri lists him proudly destroying 300+ Mandirs in Mewar alone in 1680!
Lie busting Thread

Aurangzeb hated Hindus so much that he destroyed Mandirs even BEFORE becoming king! 27 yr old Aurangzeb destroyed Chintaman temple converted it into a mosque & slaughtered a cow there. He destroyed temple of Khande Rai in Satara & got several temples in Gujarat demolished. Image
Jan 3 11 tweets 6 min read
Anyone claiming "Forced conversion by Muslims is just rhetoric." is a lying, malicious clown. Just ~200 yrs ago "Ghazi" Tipu Sultan specifically instructed his Jihadis to mass circumcise not just the living but even DEAD corpses among 80,000 Hindu prisoners from Coorg!

In a letter to Runmust Khan, Tipu gloats about how he forcibly converted ("raised them to the honor of Islam") 40,000 Hindus from Coorg to Islam by forcibly circumcising & stuffing beef in their mouths leaving no other option. This was his warning to all non-Muslims.
Dec 17, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Ruchika LIAR is exposed by her OWN sources & scholars:
1. No Jain record of so called 7th c. impalement of Jains by Shaivas in TN exists
2. No inscription of such event exists
3. Shiva shrine in cave monastery was constructed 300 years later & REOCCUPIED as a Jain monastery again

Literary reference to this alleged incident come from 11th c. 400+ years later. Sambandar the so called persecutor himself does not mention it at all. Also there are several versions of the story, some of which say the Jaina monks impaled themselves because they lost a debate.
Dec 12, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
"Assam was originally a part of Myanmar" says Kapil Sibal. Burma temporarily ruled Assam for just 2 years from 1822-24.
Historical maps like this by Pieter van der Aa in 1720 clearly show Assam as SEPARATE from Burma/Aracan.

🧵 as a history lesson on Assam for @KapilSibal

This John Senex map from London, 1721, titled "A New Map of India & China", during Mughal times clearly outlines Assam as "Achem" & Burma/Aracan as a separate smaller territory to the south Image
Dec 1, 2023 11 tweets 8 min read
During the great famines of 1876, 1896 & 1899, the British starved 30+ million Indians, using railways to transport millions of tons of food to be exported to Britain. The Railways were built to plunder India of its resources to fuel Britain's Industrial Revolution & profits

The great lie that Britain built the railways to industrialize India is busted by statistics that show railways expansion was designed only to carry food & resources to ports as exports that fattened Europe, while destroying India's industries & spreading famine & poverty.
