Savitri Mumukshu - सावित्री मुमुक्षु Profile picture
तुच्छ्येनाभ्वपिहितं यदासीत्तपसस्तन्महिनाजायतैकम् । Designer & Entrepreneur, Proud Hindu, Busting History myths, Wife & Mom, Writer, Culinary & AI Artist. No DMs
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Mar 14 6 tweets 7 min read
Holi is famous as the Hindu festival of joyous revelry with colors, but beneath all that revelry lie ancient Vedic astronomical rituals deeply tied to the motion of the Sun and cosmic renewal.

In this thread I will attempt to explain how the various aspects of the festival of Holi are rooted in very ancient astronomical concepts like the Sun’s oscillation, the Vedic New Year ceremony, and the cyclical nature of time.

Today, we consider January 1st as the start of the New Year, but there was a time in ancient Vedic tradition, when the year once began in Phalguna (Holi’s month). Texts like Tilak’s Orion reference Vedic calendar systems where Phalguna marked both the end and beginning of the year, leading into the vernal equinox. This was a clear astronomical transition, where the Sun shifted northward, bringing longer days and renewed energy. So the festival of Holi, was not just a celebration of spring but a marker of time itself, rooted in the solar cycles of renewal.Image
Even today in Braj, Bengal and Odisha, Holi is celebrated as Dol-Yatra/Poornima, the Swing Festival, where Krishna is ceremonially rocked back and forth on a swing (hindola). This Vaishnavite festival represents the sun as a form of Vishnu. The celestial swinging motion is not arbitrary though, it symbolizes the pendulum like oscillation of the Sun as it moves across the sky between the two solstices of Dakshinayana (Sun’s southern journey, leading to winter, shorter days, and darkness) and Uttarayana (Sun’s northern journey, leading to summer, longer warmer days, and vitality)

Just as a pendulum pauses before reversing direction, the Sun reaches a turning point where it pauses before moving into its brighter phase. Holi marks that final swing before the Sun fully ascends into its strongest months. The Sun’s journey is cyclic, and Dol-Yatra preserves this cosmic motion in ritual form.

So, amazingly the Dol Utsav symbolizes a profound astronomical observation which marks the occasion where the sun is "rocking" into a new phase of the year in his journey across the sky - symbolized by Krishna in his Hindola!Image
Mar 5 10 tweets 8 min read
Hey @asadowaisi why are you resorting to quoting Richard M. Eaton - when Aurangzeb’s own official Islamic biography Maāsir-I-Ālamgiri itself lists him proudly destroying 300+ Hindu temples in Mewar in just one year alone (1680)! In his hateful quest to forcibly convert India into Dar-al-Islam, nothing was sacred. He desecrated innumerable Hindu gods, destroyed 500+ temples including Hinduism's holiest shrines, and built ugly mosques on top of them. Being a famous lawyer you should at least have looked up documented Islamic sources and respected Indian translators like Jadunath Sarkar who reference Aurangzeb’s destruction in great detail first.

As for the rest of your nonsensical lies about Pushyamitra Śunga and Raja Śaśanka destroying Buddhist sites - I will give you a history lesson on each one of these claims in next couple of days and debunk all your lies on them with meticulous references too. Hope you will read them just like this thread and apologize for falsifying history.

If you have the guts then go through this entire thread detailing all of Aurangzeb’s evil & horrific destruction of 500+ Hindu temples - entirely based on Islamic sources. After that If you have any shame left, apologize or else I challenge you to disprove a single incidence.

Read entire Thread ...🧵Image
Aurangzeb hated Hindus so much that he destroyed Mandirs even BEFORE becoming king! At the young age of 27, Aurangzeb destroyed the beautiful Chintaman temple, then forcibly converted it into a mosque & slaughtered a cow there. He then destroyed the temple of Khande Rai in Satara & proudly declared that he had gotten many temples in Gujarat demolished.Image
Feb 8 6 tweets 5 min read
Madanamahotsava: Bharat’s Ancient Festival of Love and Spring
Centuries before St. Valentine or even Christ, Hindus celebrated love - not for a single day, but for nine joyous days of devotion, romance, and revelry in spring’s embrace. This grand festival called Madanamahotsava, also known as Vasantotsava, honored Kamadeva (Madana), the god of love, alongside his consort Rati and Vasanta, the spirit of spring. Referenced in Vatsyayana’s Kamasutra (400 BCE) and called Suvasantaka, it was a grand celebration of music, dance, playful festivity, and sacred rites dedicated to the spirit of love, beginning on Vasanta Panchami and culminating in the Vasantanavratras.

Let's explore the history of Bharat's festival of love 🧵Image
One of the earliest mentions of Madanmahotsava is found in Vatsyayana's Kamasutra (400 BCE). Clad in resplendent attire, men and women gathered in temples and royal courts at the advent of spring, seeking the blessings of divine couples for love and prosperity. Hemadri’s Vratakhanda (13th c.) recounts in detail the legendary tale of Kamadeva awakening Shiva from deep meditation to tempt him into union with Gauri. Furious at his Tapasya being disturbed, Shiva reduced him to ashes with a single fiery glance. Kamadeva's distraught wife, Rati begged and pleaded with Lord Shiva for his revival. Moved by Rati’s unwavering devotion and Gauri's persuasion, Shiva, in his boundless compassion, granted that Kamadeva would once again regain his physical form every year on the 13th day of the bright half of the spring month. Thus, the annual festival of Madanamahotsava was born - enshrining the triumph of love and renewal.Image
Jan 23 10 tweets 8 min read
Indeed, Aurangzeb was not just any ordinary evil king - he epitomized the demonic savagery of Islamic fanaticism powered by hatred against infidel Hindu Kafirs. Aurangzeb was obsessed with such virulent hatred against Hindus that his official biography Maāsir-I-Ālamgiri itself lists him proudly destroying 300+ Hindu temples in Mewar in just one year alone (1680)! In his hateful quest to forcibly convert India into Dar-al-Islam, nothing was sacred. He desecrated innumerable Hindu gods, destroyed 1000s of temples including Hinduism's holiest shrines, and built ugly mosques on top of them. If you have the guts then read this entire thread detailing all his evil - entirely based on Islamic sources, and then do some soul searching for calling such a barbaric monster "Great".

Read entire Thread ...🧵Image
Aurangzeb hated Hindus so much that he destroyed Mandirs even BEFORE becoming king! At the young age of 27, Aurangzeb destroyed the beautiful Chintaman temple, then forcibly converted it into a mosque & slaughtered a cow there. He then destroyed the temple of Khande Rai in Satara & proudly declared that he had gotten many temples in Gujarat demolished.Image
Jan 22 7 tweets 11 min read
The insidious agenda and lack of academic integrity of Ruchika Sharma, PhD in history from JNU & self-proclaimed academic expert, stands thoroughly exposed when we analyze her peer-reviewed paper ( in the Journal of Archaeological Studies in India. Let's deconstruct her paper claim by fallacious claim and scrutinize it against factual evidence. I have created a summary table for easy reference. Please read entire thread for full details.🧵

False Assertion 1: Ruchika's primary claim in her paper is that Malwa Sultan Mahmud Khalji built a grand Islamic general hospital (Dar-us-Shifa) at Mandu, MP in 1443 CE which she identifies with an existing monument called “Gada Shah’s Shop” in Mandu. (Img 2)

Reality: Shockingly, Ruchika deliberately leaves out contradictory evidence from her OWN cited source (Ghulam, Yazdani (1929), Mandu: The City of Joy) which states that the structure Ruchika tries to misappropriate as an Islamic hospital was actually the royal Durbar/audience hall of Hindu Rajput King Medini Rai. (Img 3: Yazdani, p. 28, 79) Gada Shah is none other than Medini Rai. Medini Rai’s Durbar Hall was later called Gada Shah’s Shop by the Muslims. Rajput Medini Rai overthrew Mahmud Khalji’s son Mahmud 2 and ruled Mandu as a vassal of Rana Sangha from 1519 - 1528 CE. Ruchika’s source Yazdani also points out that both Gada Shah’s Shop (which she claims is Khalji’s hospital) and Gada Shah’s House (Palace) were built AFTER Khalji’s death by Medini Rai in the same architectural style. Two huge mural paintings of Medini Rai and his queen are still to be seen in Gada Shah’s House. The world-famous German art historian Dr. Hermann Goetz, an expert on Indo-Persian architecture, also clearly identified Gada Shah’s Shop and Gada Shah’s Palace as Rajput Medini Rai’s Durbar/Audience hall and palace residence in Mandu. (Img 4: Goetz)

Thread Continues....🧵Image
False Assertion 2: Ruchika’s entire identification of Medini Rai’s Durbar (Gada Shah’s Shop) with Khalji’s Islamic hospital is based on her personal architectural observations that the building is divided into two chambers which she assumes represent separate male and female patient chambers. She also cites that the “existence of small rooms but also big halls” matches Khalji’s Islamic hospital. (Img 5)

Reality: Ruchika’s own Islamic sources don’t even specify whether the hospital was located in Mandu. Her unsupported conjectural claim again completely ignores her own source Yazdani who points out that Medini Rai’s Durbar (now known as Gada Shah’s Shop) was built for the purpose of serving as a grand audience hall (durbar). In fact her source Yazdani even specifies that it was a Durbar-i-aam built for granting audience to the public while the nearby Hindōl Mahal served the purpose of a Durbar-i-Khas (Audience hall for select assemblies). (Img 7) This explains exactly why the architecture has such grand arches and separate small rooms because they were often built as showpieces of royal prestige. The usage of such grand arches makes no sense for the purpose of a building built as a hospital. Like Yazdani, Dr. Goetz also clearly states that Gada Shah’s Shop (Medini Rai’s Durbar) has “massive sloping buttresses because of the lateral pressure of the huge arches supporting the roof of the Audience Room”. (Img 8) Even the ASI website clearly labels the structure as an audience hall. Yet Ruchika ignores all this insurmountable proof, and makes the bizarre claim that this was Khalji’s Islamic hospital without a shred of objective evidence.

Thread Continues....🧵Image
Nov 15, 2024 6 tweets 8 min read
Talk about a nasty bag full of distortions and outright lies. That Shree Rama existed centuries before Buddha was even born is attested directly by authentic Buddhist sources themselves. I will methodically dissect and disprove every deceptive claim by fact checking it against authoritative and authentic sources. Please read all parts of the entire thread to the end including the screenshots which provide crucial evidence. 🧵

Claim # 1:
Ram is a mythological character, whereas Buddha was a real historical figure—there’s simply no comparison.

Fact: False. This claim is disproven by the oldest & most authoritative Buddhist biography of Buddha’s life itself - Aśvaghoṣa’s (2nd c.) Buddhacharita. The Buddhacharita documents that Buddha belonged to the same Suryavanshi Ikshvaku dynasty as Rama; it pays homage to Valmiki as the Adikavi and mentions Janaka too. After he renounces his family, Buddha’s father sends a wise advisor to the forest to try & convince him to return back home. The advisor tries to persuade him to return by mentioning Rama as an example - as someone from older times, who returned after penance in forests to protect his kingdom against evil. In response Buddha himself says he cannot do what Rama did & refuses to return. This clearly proves that Rama was already revered as an ancient historical personality to be emulated in Buddha’s times.Image
Claim # 2: Buddha was not a descendant of Ram because Ram never existed in reality.

Fact: False. Disproved by the very first chapter on Buddha’s Birth in the authoritative biography Buddhacharita which records that Buddha was a descendant of the Suryavanshi Ikshvaku dynasty - from the same lineage to which Rama belonged millennia before him. An even older account of Buddha’s ancestral family tree is found in the Buddhist text Mahāvastu, a composite multi-life hagiography of the Buddha (2nd c. BCE) which details how the sons of Ikshvaku built Kapilavastu and were the forefathers of the Shakyas - the clan of the Buddha.Image
Nov 11, 2024 6 tweets 7 min read
Kamal Khan explaining Mughal history is like a chihuahua barking - ear-splittingly irritating, wildly off-key, but you can’t help but watch the spectacle.
Of course the Mughals didn't "harm any community", they just built Minars out of Kafir skulls to show how much they cared for all communities and considered all Indians equal.

These "loving community building" exercises started with Timur's first entry into Hindustan, when he attacked the Hindu kingdom of Kator extending from Kashmir to Kabul. In his autobiography “Tuzak-I-Timuri” Timur describes building tall towers of skulls of “obstinate unbelievers” after raping & enslaving women & kids & plundering towns to dust (May, 1398 CE). The Zafarnama of Sharafuddin Ali Yazdi (Iran, 1425 CE) has a painting which shows how Timur took tribute from soldiers, while an Islamic Minar built out of dead Kafir’s heads looms behind him.

His Mughal descendants like Babur, Akbar, Shah Jahan kept up this grand tradition and built their own towers of Kafir skulls to show their caring loving hearts.

Read the full thread to know more.🧵Image
The next Mughal, Babur, practically salivated with delight at the prospect of killing Hindus & scattering them like “teased wool & broken bubbles on wine”. He built several Minars out of Hindu heads, during battles in the Doab, near Agra & Chanderi to name a few. So overjoyed was Babur with his bloody crimes that he waxed eloquent poetry about killing Kafirs in praise of God. After creating Minars out of their heads, he proudly declared himself a “Ghazi” as his official imperial title - a term which means “Victorious over the enemies of Islam”Image
Oct 27, 2024 10 tweets 7 min read
Monument of Love - my foot!

Niccolao Manucci an Italian doctor who worked in Shah Jahan's Mughal court described his "lovin'" ways in his memoirs. He revealed that lover boy Shah Jahan shared his bed with 1000s of women besides Mumtaz, many of whom were his own courtier's wives!

Read to the end 🧵Image
Shah Jahan's courtiers Ja'far Khan & Khalil Khan's wives were his favorites. Ja'far Khan's wife was called Shah Jahan's "breakfast" & Khalil Khan's wife his "lunch". Ja'far's wife was Shah Jahan's sister-in-law & Khali's wife was his niece through marriage to Mumtaz. Ja'far's wife had to beg for her husband's lifeImage
Oct 13, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
As requested by some of you, I have compiled all the 9 + 1 digital images of Devi Ma which I created for Navaratri along with their descriptions for easy reference. You may use the images as you wish, provided you retain my watermark, treat Devi's image with respect and don't distort the images. Enjoy. 🙏

#Navratri #Dusshera2024 #VijayaDasamiImage वन्दे वाञ्छितलाभाय चन्द्रार्ध कृतशेखराम् ।
वृषारूढाम् शूलधराम् शैलपुत्रीम् यशस्विनीम् ॥
Day 1 of Sharadiya Navaratri is ruled by Devi Shailaputri, daughter of the Mountain lord, the pure, serene one who blesses devotees with self-restraint, patience, victory over difficulties & peace of mind.Image
Aug 13, 2024 5 tweets 7 min read
Hidden deep inside the recesses of the Chhota Sona mosque located in Chapai Nawabganj district of Bangladesh, lie four walled up ancient Murtis of our Hindu divinities Varaha, Bhawani, Brahmani and Shivani. No one knows how ancient they are - likely more than a thousand years old. They are silent witnesses to the desecration of a grand ancient Hindu temple razed over and brutally reused to “build” the mosque. The location is in what used to be the Bengali kingdom of Gaur invaded by Bakhtiyar Khalji in the 13th ce. The advent of Islam after Khalji marked the beginning of a cultural holocaust of Bihar & Bengal where innumerable temples were razed, their broken portions brutally usurped to create incongruous “mosques” as markers of conquering Islamic fanaticism.

In 1786, a British amateur explorer Henry Creighton visited the ruins of Gaur & made drawings to document them. In 1817, his description & drawings were published in a short book “The ruins of Gour described and represented in eighteen views”. He described the Chhoti Sona mosque as one of the most beautiful monuments in the area & ascribed its construction in the 15th c. to Wali Muhammad under the reign of Allauddin Husain Shah. It is within the walls of the interior mosque that Creighton discovered these grand Murtis carved on large blocks of stone. Islamic decorations were deliberately carved on the reverse side of the Murti stones. The stones were purposely placed with the Murti facing inwards, blocked forever into the walls, never to be seen again.

Creighton’s drawings show a grand Varaha carving which closely resembles an awe inspiring Varaha Murti from Pala dynasty in 9th century CE., excavated from Nadiya, West Bengal - now on display at National Museum New Delhi. The stylistic rendering of the Varaha sculpture indicates that the temple destroyed to build the Chhota Sona mosque was likely from the same era of 9th c. CE.Image
Two other drawings of hidden Murtis embedded within the walls of the chhota sona mosque are labelled as that of the Devi consorts of the gods, Brahmani & Bhawani. Creighton's drawing of Brahmani also closely resembles another 9th c. Pala era sculpture of Brahmani. He also describes the image as Shiva in the form of Bhawani. It is an unusual & interesting depiction showing the deity riding atop a lion which is crushing a demon that is supported by an elephant. Creighton observed that the Murtis still had traces of being gilded with gold just like the roof of the structure, which is what gave the mosque the name of chhota sona mosque. The gilded golden roof must have made the temple an extremely attractive target for destruction to the Islamic attackers.Image
Aug 3, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
As promised here is my graphic novel for inspiring Hindu readers of all ages. I dedicate my first creation to the fearless unnamed Hindu hero who avenged Somnath & taught Mahmud Ghazni a lesson he would never forget. This story is based on actual historical events. References from Islamic texts are provided at end of thread. Please read entire thread for whole story. Future comics will be available for purchase at a website to be announced soon.

All images & text for this graphic novel were created by me @mumukshusavitri & should not be reproduced without permission.

1/17 🧵Image 2/17 Image
Jun 21, 2024 8 tweets 7 min read
This LIE that Brahmanas burnt down Nalanda will be put to rest once & for all with this 🧵of undeniable evidence

The book that is being cited to support this horrific lie is Taranatha’s “History of Buddhism in India”. First this book is not considered a histiography because it cites many supernatural miracles to glorify Buddhism. However even if we ignore all that, Taranatha himself provides the unexpected clues that leftists deliberatrly leave out to distort history.

The first clue is that Taranatha describes the history of Sri Nalendra (Nalanda) in elaborate detail as a monastery where “more than a 1000 Brahmans & an EQUAL number of Tirthikas took up ordination”
This CLEARLY proves that in Taranatha’s context Tirthikas & Hindu Brahmanas were NOT the same otherwise why would he mention them as SEPARATE categories in the same sentence?

In another reference Taranatha clearly refers to Buddhists converting BOTH Brahmanas & Tirthikas to Buddhism in Gujarat. Why would he say this if they were one & the same? Yet another reference refers to Buddhists separately defeating a Nirgrantha, a Brahmana & a Tirthika in a debate.

Clearly Brahmana & Tirthika were separate categories.Image
Now that Taranatha’s own passages have established that Brahmanas & Tirthikas were NOT the same, let’s see what the real role of Brahmanas was as described by Taranatha himself.

In chapter 20, Taranatha describes the famous episode of the king’s minister holding an inaugral feast at a temple in Nalanda, where Buddhist Sramanas bullied two Tirthika beggars & unleashed dogs on them. This angered them so much that they practiced austerities to gain Siddhis & take revenge

After 12 years the Tirthika attained Siddhis, & performed a fire worship whose ashes produced fire which burnt down Nalanda & its libraries. But the most CRUCIAL part that Leftists like DN Jha cleverly leave out of Taranatha’s account is at the end of the story where Taranatha says that the Nalanda “temples damaged by the fire were reconstructed by King Buddhapaksa, the BRAHMANA Śanku, the BRAHMANA Brihaspati & many householders.”

In the next chapter, Tarantha further describes how this same Brahmana Śanku knew esoteric magic about Nagas & was a devout Hindu who built a Vaisnavite Garuda Stambha for protection against snakebites. Thus there is no question that Śanku clearly was a Hindu Brahmana.

This is conclusive proof that Brahmanas were not involved in the burning of Nalanda & its libraries, but they actively reconstructed & rebuilt the structures at Nalanda after the fire. This decisively busts leftist lies about Brahminical fanatics persecuting Buddhists.Image
Jun 21, 2024 10 tweets 9 min read
Is this some kind of joke? Can you deny the evidence provided by Tipu Sultan himself in his OWN words in letters & his manifesto describing his desire to wipe out Hinduism & mass convert Hindus by his sword, for the "Glory of I-slum"?

In his own letters "Ghazi" Tipu Sultan gloats about forcibly converting 50,000 Hindu prisoners from Coorg into the "Ahmedy" class of new Mohammadan converts. During the attack on Coorg he specifically instructed his soldiers to mass circumcise not just the living but even DEAD corpses of Hindu prisoners from Coorg!Image
2000 Hindu Nāyars at Kuttippuram, Kerala were forcibly converted to Mohammadism by circumcision & compelled to eat beef by Tipu. Similarly 1000s of Hindus of Kittoor were forcibly circumcised leading to 2000 Brahmin suicides. Every Hindu house in Palghat was forcibly converted.

May 25, 2024 8 tweets 6 min read
The article by @AKanisetti is pure ahistorical trash. Desecrating Hindu temples to build a mosque at Qutub complex was NOT architectural reuse but Islamic BARBARISM. "Human figures" (aka Murtis) were not just defaced but excised brutally. Kirtimukhs & elephants were mutilated. 🧵

Everywhere in the "mosque", broken ruins of Hindu & Jain temples lie scattered like garbage. Muslims deliberately wanted to show contempt for Hindu symbols this way. The name "Quwwat ul Islam" itself means "Might of Islam" - clearly indicating it was built to trample over Hindus

May 20, 2024 11 tweets 7 min read
Anpadh imbecile KRK - this is what happens when you learn history from Tawaifs of Bollywood.
Actual evidence shows that every Mughal king sent MILLIONS in looted money to Mecca/Medina while draining India's wealth & ensuring horrific famines starved Lakhs of Hindus in India.
🧵 A record of exact statistics on Mughal money sent to Mecca begins with Akbar in 1576 who sent Rs. 600,000 with costly gifts like 12,000 dresses of honor & extra cash for constructing a Khanqah. The average salary for a normal Indian at this time was just 3 rupees per month! Image
May 8, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
In Feb. 1824, Ram Mohan Roy wrote a letter "Prospects of Christianity" to Harvard's Henry Ware where he recommended bribing "outcast" Hindus to convert & of his offer to send "as many" Hindus as possible to a Christian neighbor, to convert Hindus with a salary of Rs. 8 per month.
The letter titled "A Letter on the Prospects of Christianity & the means of promoting its reception in India" was a reply to Unitarian Christian preacher Rev. Henry Ware of Harvard who sent him a list of questions to work out a strategy on how Hindus of India could be converted. Image
Apr 28, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
One of the biggest myths is that Mughals invented the miniature school of painting in India. But Akbar under whose rule miniature "Mughal" painting supposedly developed had 17 eminent court artists - out of which a whopping 13 were Hindu, due to their superior artistic skills.

Artists like Baswan, Lal, Daswanth, Kesu, Mukund, Haribans, Jagannath, etc. from castes like Kahar, Kayastha, Chitera, Silavat & Khati, show Hindus from all castes were the creators of the best "Mughal" miniature paintings, but the credit was given to Persians in Mughal courts.
Apr 20, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Siraj ud-Daulah impregnated Madhavi, his own Hindu official Mohanlal's pretty sister. Terrified that his grandfather Alivardi Khan would find out, Siraj tied his newborn baby to a horse’s back & shot an arrow at its leg to ensure the horse would bolt wildly & kill the baby.
A panicky Madhavi begged her brother Mohanlal to save her baby. Mohanlal immediately rode off, somehow managing to stop the horse & rescue the infant. Mohanlal, a Kashmiri Pandit, was shocked by Siraj’s action & left Murshidabad with his sister Madhavi & her baby for good.
Apr 9, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
Chaitra Shukla Pratipada is NOT just regional.
Ugadi - Yug (era) + Adi (new start) or Samvatsarādi is the 1st day of Hindu lunisolar New Year & the day when Sri Brahma created the universe
Gudi (flag) + Padwa (Pratipada) refers to ancient Vedic Indradhvaja festival on this day

Also called Samvatsārambha-utsava it was when rituals of eating Neem, offering cool drinks, offering oil to Brahmans & women, reading omens, presenting gifts to scholars, listening to the almanac were all specified in Sanskrit texts Sāmrājyalakshmīpițhika & Jayasimhakalpadruma

Apr 4, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read
Imagine if Be****liity, pedo, necro, sexual slavery, marital r@p3 - were NOT punishable by legal code. Such legal code from the authoritative Islamic Hanafi lawbook Al-Hedaya STILL guides Sharia in courts & is taught to scholars in Madrasas in India TODAY.
🧵 Image Over 90% of Muslims in India, Pakistan & Bangladesh follow the Hanafi school of Islamic law. Their most authoritative text is Al-Hidaya by Al-Marghinani (12th c.). Hidaya is the primary guide for Hanafi law in Sharia courts & several years of study are devoted to it in Madrasas.
Mar 26, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
Time to bust your pathetic LIES portraying barbaric Mughals as syncretic saints celebrating Holi. Your own source Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri itself proves Eid-e-Gulabi/Aab-e-Pashi is NOT Holi but a Persian festival called Ab-i-Pashan held in in Persian months Khordad/Tir (June-July) 🧵

Mughals who never identified as Indians but identified with Islamic Persian culture used the Gulab Pash - an elongated rose water vase with a perforated sprinkler. Akbar introduced the festival Ab-i-Pashan in Tir/July to his court, where Gulab Pash is used to sprinkle rose-water.
