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COVID19 in Ohio - both the state-published data, and the real life stories that data represents. Data is from Ohio's COVID19 website: https://t.co/UCZWXGcsb4

Jun 5, 2021, 5 tweets

Cases over 2 weeks continue to drop, but there's been a recent small uptick in cases in the last 7 days, both probable and confirmed. Probables as a percentage of total new reported cases continues to be pretty high as it has been over the last few days.

V-starts. Wow. The word 'collapse' doesn't quite encompass it. If Gov. DeWine's goal was to 'stem the bleeding' - well, he has (predictably) failed.

0-19 year old v-starts are significantly below where they were in early April now and falling fast. And the older age groups? Wow. Just wow.

I don't believe that this is something that will be remedied 'in a few days' as he mentioned at the Vax-a-Million press conference on Thursday.

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