Lindsey Boylan Profile picture
Mom. Whistleblower. Urban Planner + Progressive. Fighting for women, affordable housing, climate justice + mental health. “not nice”. doughnut lover. She/her

Jun 5, 2021, 5 tweets

🧵: Here are some highlights from the Manhattan Borough President @NY1 debate! (1/5)

Things I’ve Done:
✅ Led job creation & recovery efforts as economic secretary for NYS

Things I’ll Do:
✅ Est. a one-stop-shop in the MBP office focused on small biz recovery
✅ Increase livability by investing in protecting & expanding our public spaces (2/5)

I want to highlight the leadership shown by @UWSOpenHearts and @homeless_hero when it comes to finding solutions for the men at the Lucerne. It should be a model for this city. (3/5)

1 in 4 families across the country experiencing homelessness is in NY. Clearly, we are failing to provide the kind of housing people need in this city.

It’s time to address the eviction crisis, invest in NYCHA & more. I am ready to advocate for these changes when I'm BP. (4/5)

Member deference has led us down a lot of roads that actually don’t benefit the collective borough or the city.

That whole system is backward; it has ppl in community boards believing they work for the politician when in reality the politician works for the communities. (5/5)

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