Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega Profile picture
Professor @FlacsoMx, water, waste, public policy, environmental politics, mixed/experimental methods #ScholarSunday founder. Coffee lover. SNI 2 @iheal_creda VP

Jun 5, 2021, 7 tweets

#PATheory2021 @AlasdairRoberts tells us that public administration is inherently global.

Great @patheory roundtable moderated by the incomparable Dr. Staci Zavattaro @StaciwithaZ

#PATheory2021 @ELeoSantis "global public administration" is a project of domestifying modernity.

Powerful words.

#PATheory2021 @Global_Academic "global public administration" - instead, how about how can PA less "American", and less European? It is almost annoyingly American.

I am so thrilled and honored to be joined by some of the smartest brains in public administration theory. <3

#PATheory2021 I (@raulpacheco) argue that global public administration necessarily requires a dialogue across our cognate disciplines (public policy, political science, etc.)

#PATheory2021 Margaret Stout dropping truth bombs: "we should be approaching our writing with humility and openess and aim to be presenting globally relevant ideas of public administration"

#PATheory2021 @rightbedone indicates the importance of weaving ideas with humility and curiosity and how the idea of going to Mexico City is to open new spaces for collaboration and conversation.

So grateful to Dr. @StaciwithaZ Staci Zavattaro for organizing this roundtable on global public administration and for her extraordinarily fantastic moderation.



I am so honored to have been asked to be a participant and to join these bright minds.

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