Winnie Byanyima Profile picture
Passionate about justice & human dignity. In the struggle to #endAIDS. Executive Director of @UNAIDS. Opinions are my own.

Jun 5, 2021, 5 tweets

Today marks 40 years since the first case of AIDS was reported.

We stand in solidarity w/all people living with or affected by HIV, & we remember our friends/family who have died from AIDS-related illnesses.

Our mission: #endAIDSby2030.



Since the start of the epidemic 77.5 million people have become infected with HIV and more than 34 million have died of AIDS-related causes.

However, HIV is more than a disease.

It's an issue of social justice.

No one should be infected and no one should die.

In the past 40 years, we have made huge progress in turning the epidemic around: 75% of all people living with HIV are now on treatment. That’s more than 27 million people, on treatment today.


While globally the 2020 targets were missed, dozens of countries reached or even exceeded them. This proves that the targets were not just aspirational but they were achievable. Where investments met ambition there has been huge progress. We can #endAIDSby2030! #40YearsOfHIV

As we mark #40YearsOfHIV, we're calling on world leaders at next week's #HLM2021AIDS to seize the moment and take the bold actions needed to finally end AIDS. We need to #EndInequalities in order to reach everyone everywhere & leave no one behind!

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