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Jun 5, 2021, 9 tweets

Tomorrow, the 77th anniversary of #DDay, the stories of Utah Beach, Pointe de Hoc, and Carentan will be retold. These are all important stories that MUST be remembered.

But perhaps we should also reflect on Waverly Woodson and the Soldiers he represents.

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Waverly, a medic assigned to the 320th BBB (Barrage Balloon Battalion), was among the more than 2,000 US black Soldiers who landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944.

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The 320th [621 troops] was the lone African-American combat unit to fight on D Day.

Mission: raise hydrogen-filled barrage balloons to protect assaulting infantry, armor from being strafed by enemy aircraft [the balloons provided air defense by strafing Axis planes].

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Waverly was grievously wounded by a German shell upon landing at Omaha Beach.

Yet, for the next 30 hours he treated more than 200 Amreican Soldiers, saving at least 80 before finally collapsing from his injuries.

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He was transferred to a hospital ship but refused to remain there, returning to the fight to treat more Allied Soldiers.

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After the Normandy campaign, Waverly's commander recommended him for the Medal of Honor. He instead was awarded the Bronze Star.

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Waverly was hailed as a hero in his hometown of Philadelphia. Yet, when he returned to the US, he had to fight Jim Crow, facing discrimination at every turn.

He redeployed from the war to Georgia, where he was greeted with racial slurs and segregated bathrooms.

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Waverly died in 2005 at age 83 and is buried at
Arlington National Cemetery. This is his wife Joann at his headstone.

Joann still tells Waverly's story and testifies to the courage of the black D Day Soldiers.


Tomorrow, let's acknowledge Waverly Woodson and the [largely overlooked] African American troops who landed on Normandy on D Day.

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