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The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)

Jun 6, 2021, 9 tweets

GhostEzra is mask off, ladies and gentlemen and smismars

A few weeks ago it was "just asking questions" and now it's "white genocide is real and the Jews are behind it"

GhostEzra has now upladed an 11 minute long video about how it's okay to hate most Jews because they're not "real Jews"

The 11-minute video is extremely efficient at packing in as much bullshit as possible

Spoiler alert: this is NOT the origin of the word 'cannibal'

The voiceover for this part about the fictitious origin of the word cannibal says, and I fucking quote:

"So now that you understand what sort of people were living in Canaan, try not to feel so bad when you read that God ordered us to exterminate them."

I'm not really going to go into it, but there are really only three types of comments on the thread.

Roughly 5% saying "please stop posting this stuff," 5% absolutely ignoring it and asking if he watched Trump's speech, and 90% Nazis

One of GE's Nazi followers posted this and maybe it's good that they're bold enough to give away the game.

People like GhostEzra and other QAnon promoters say "it's okay to hate the *fake* Jews" and it's just a stepping stone on the path they very much want you to walk down.

Additionally revealing are the things GE chose to engage his followers on in the comments versus what GE stayed completely silent on.

I'll remind you, within minutes the thread was filled with posts praising Hitler.

Like jazz, sometimes it's the notes he's NOT playing.

Then again sometimes you can just look at the notes he IS playing

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