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Jun 6, 2021, 7 tweets

The CDC reports 1139 deaths with Covid for those under 25, with ~30% of those not plausibly connected to Covid (cancer, suicide, etc). During this same time period, non-Covid excess deaths were >2500.

In other words, hysteria killed at least 3.5X as many children as did Covid.

For young adults, there have been 14K reported Covid deaths with ~5% not plausibly connected; there have also been 18K non-Covid excess deaths.

While Covid deaths have largely disappeared in this age group, excess deaths of despair continue to accrue.

For the very old, Covid has proven deadly: 175K deaths. But 60K of those deaths occurred in 2021 when there were lower than expected total deaths from this age group implying death displacement, not excess.

There are also at least 32K non-Covid excess deaths in this age group.

For the middle-aged, Covid has reportedly killed 100K persons, with non-Covid excess being 26K.

About 2K of the reported Covid deaths are not plausibly connected and an equal number are clearly displacements during recent weeks.

There have been 285K reported Covid deaths in the 65-84 age group and 61K non-Covid excess deaths through December. In 2021, non-Covid deaths have been far below normal, implying significant displacement of normal, expected mortality this year.

In total, between March 2020 and April 2021, there have been ~650 more deaths than would normally have been expected. About 400K of these excess deaths can be attributed to Covid and about 250K are due entirely to mass hysteria.

Finally, the 400K excess deaths due to Covid is almost certainly overstated due to quality of care issues (elderly isolation, overuse of ventilators, literal deaths from panic).

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