Stomach cancer was once the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States but is no longer a significant cause of mortality.
What "cured" stomach cancer? Surprisingly, we don't really know - but we do know it didn't have anything to do with doctors or medicine.
There are many theories used to explain the sudden decline in stomach cancer mortality and all of them are likely partially true, but the bottom line is this:
We cured stomach cancer by changing behavior, not via chemo, radiation, or pharmaceuticals.
50K person study by Cleveland Clinic finds that the more doses of covid vaccine you've received, the more likely you are to become infected with covid.
Is this normally the way a "vaccine" works, by making you more susceptible to infection?
From the study:
"During an Omicron wave in Iceland, individuals who had previously received 2 or more doses were found to have a higher odds of reinfection than those who had received fewer than 2 doses of vaccine."
Mar 31, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
New poll of American adults show same % claim to have had a member of their household die of covid (11%) or from covid vaccine side-effects (10%).
While it is somewhat interesting that these numbers are equivalent, the more interesting information is found in the crosstabs.
The young are far more likely to report both covid deaths and vax deaths compare to the old, which doesn't make sense given what we know about covid.
Dems are more likely to report covid deaths and Reps more likely to report vax deaths...
Signaling, perhaps?
Mar 31, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Australia has released all-cause mortality data for 2022 and the results are the worst since WWII with 13% excess mortality.
Australia vaccinated their entire vulnerable population in 2021 and boosted them all in 2022.
At best, Australia is proof of vaccine failure.
While there were 10K covid deaths recorded in Australia in 2022, 3K of those covid deaths merely displaced other expected respiratory disease deaths.
In other words, 67% of excess deaths in Australia can not be blamed on covid.
So, why are so many Australians dying?
Mar 13, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
New Zealand, having vaccinated 80% of their population, boosted 52% and double-boosted 16%, experienced a dramatic uptick in mortality during 2022, most of which has been attributed to covid:
Sadly, excess mortality in New Zealand has continued into 2023 (during their Summer) with no sign of slowdown, yet:
Mar 7, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Excess mortality in Europe during covid hysteria is more strongly correlated with national income than with vaccination rates - and not all correlated with lockdown or masking policies (obviously).
Did Switzerland due better than Bulgaria because of vaccines or wealth?
During the most recent 12 months in Europe, vaccination rates have a weak negative correlation with excess mortality.
In fact, most of the excess mortality gap in Europe occurred before widespread adoption of vaccines (2020 & early 2021).
So, the answer is wealth, not vax.
Mar 7, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
More South Koreans died in 2022 than in any year since the Korean War: 17% more deaths than in 2021.
Beyond the short-term impact of obvious vaccine failure, the trends in Korea point towards inevitable demographic collapse.
This is the #1 problem facing humanity, currently.
South Korea's population is currently projected to decline by half during the remainder of this century.
Unless something unforeseen occurs, Korea is facing a bleak, hollow future of empty cities, decaying infrastructure, and a lonely elderly population.
Mar 1, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
In the past week, Hong Kong ended their mask mandate, Netherlands ended covid testing, and France stopped recommending covid vaccines for most people.
Additionally, colleges, cities, and hospitals are ending mask and vaccine mandates all over the country.
By the end of 2023, there will be no mask mandates enforced anywhere on Earth and covid vaccine mandates will be, rightfully, looked on as madness.
Can't we just skip to the end and get there now? Everyone sees where this is heading, right?
Feb 25, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Singapore vaccinated their entire adult population before their first significant covid wave, but deaths accelerated in 2021 anyway.
In 2022, they boosted everyone - and deaths accelerated even further.
Does this look this safe and effective, to you?
In 2022, live births declined 5% in Singapore, mirroring trends seen in other highly mRNA vaccinated nations.
I wonder if anyone is looking into the root cause of this decline...
Feb 21, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
If anyone in England is wondering why the NHS is falling apart, maybe think about the $18.5 billion spent on unusual, lost, or undelivered PPE.
Never mind the additional tens of billions wasted on PPE that was actually delivered and used.
Murders skyrocketed in the USA during the first year of covid hysteria. For some reason, the murder rate continued to grow in 2021 in the most restrictive lockdown states but started to decline in Florida.
What did Gov DeSantis do to stem the tide of rising murders?
Compared to pre-pandemic numbers, murders remained elevated in Florida - but the numbers were dramatically worse in the lockdown states.
I wonder why?
Feb 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
After throwing about >75% of the doses initially delivered by Novavax, the US government has now decided to purchase another 1.5 million does (which will also all be thrown away).…
Back in June, the US agreed to purchase 100 million doses of Novavax, assuming that these doses could be donated, if necessary.
Fortunately, no one wants any so now the government has agreed to take delivery of vaccines which they know will be discarded.…
Jan 20, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Japan has thrown in the towel, tacitly admitting defeat, just like China, just like Australia, just like New Zealand...
Everything they did to us was pointless; all of it was aimed at "reducing transmission" and all of it failed.…
Japan announced the end of their pandemic response and the downgrade of covid to normal seasonal virus at a time of record covid deaths.
They aren't ending it because they won; they're giving up because they so obviously lost.
Jan 6, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The fabled "tripledemic" didn't work out as planned... RSV peaked in the USA back in October and Flu peaked in late November.
How long will it take before "experts" finally understand that viral waves are driven by seasonality, immunity and viral competition?
Amazingly, the media continue to push the obvious lie that "the so-called "tripledemic" is showing no sign of letting up" when flu and rsv are well past peak.
Your basic presumption should be that everything you're told is a lie, until proven otherwise.…
Dec 21, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Now that China has abandoned Zero Covid, the hysterical press and panicked PH officials are using Hong Kong (or entirely fictional IFRs) to project millions of deaths in China.
But, HK is a dramatic outlier in this region compared to all of China's other neighbors:
China's neighbors have reported between 360 and 630 covid deaths per million, over the course of the pandemic (not in a single wave) - that would equate to 500K to 1 Million deaths in China (again, not in a single wave), almost all of whom are frail elderly persons.
Dec 20, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
After the world cup victory, essentially everyone in Argentina poured into the streets to celebrate, hugging and kissing strangers, singing into the night. Not a mask in sight, and certainly no "social distancing":
The entire celebration will be repeated with a victory parade once the national team arrives home from Qatar:…
Dec 15, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The least vaccinated county in the USA is Holmes County, OH (18% vax'd); given how safe & effective the vaccines are, you'd think that deaths in that county would be extraordinary during the pandemic, right?
Odd then that deaths have been significantly lower than average...
The reason Holmes County is largely unvaccinated is that it has the highest concentration of Amish anywhere in the world (about 50% Amish) and that community largely abstains from vaccination.
For the 450 million people living in the nations included in, all-cause mortality has been significantly higher in 2022 than in any previous year.
If this is the picture of vaccine failure, I don't know what is...
The euromomo nations had full vaccinated their population by the end of 2021 and they engaged in booster campaigns in 2022 - and yet more people are dying in 2022 than in 2020 or 2021.
If the vaccines are "highly effective" at preventing death, what could explain this trend?
Dec 2, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
During the last six months, 98% of all reported covid deaths have occurred in nations where more than 1 vaccine dose has been administered per person.
Essentially no deaths are occurring in the unvaccinated nations.
Adjusted for population, the trend is clear, with the most vaccinated nations are reporting 64 times as many covid deaths per capita as the least vaccinated nations.
Nov 22, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Chile is the most vaccinated nation on Earth, with 3.2 doses administered per person. All adults have reportedly been fully vaccinated and boosted at least once.
Oddly, excess all-cause mortality persists in Chile with thousands of unexplained excess deaths each month.
2022 will most likely end as the worst year in Chilean history in terms of excess deaths... but, everyone in Chile has been vaccinated, more than three doses per person.
With all the excess death in 2020/2021, you'd think 2022 would have fewer deaths than normal...
Nov 17, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
A lot can be learned from observing the prevalence trends of respiratory viruses over the past few years:
1. If you have a cold, it is almost always most likely rhinovirus and rhinovirus was also the only respiratory virus not completely suppressed by covid: 2. All respiratory viruses (other than rhinovirus) were outcompeted by covid from Feb 2020 - April 2021 but they are now all returning to normal levels because by the Spring of 2021 enough Americans had recovered from covid that it was no longer able to suppress other viruses: