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Jun 6, 2021, 11 tweets

VIDEO THREAD - While the country's attention was fixed on Dominic Cummings in parliament, other members of Vote Leave were rewriting history to the Public Administration & Constitutional Affairs Committee. This is Alan Halsall and you almost felt sorry for him...almost. 1/8

Vote Leave and the truth were never close acquaintances. The truth is Dominic Cummings submitted a 112 page dossier to the Electoral Commission containing emails, minutes of meetings and evidence that coaching of witnesses was being given. The outcome is indisputable...2/8

Vote Leave was found guilty of taking what was a hashtag that morphed into a Facebook group that had only spent £21 and constituting it into an unincorporated organisation that, under a common plan, acted as a conduit to circumvent our strict laws on electoral expenditure. 3/8

Vote Leave's defence that this group had a different voice, a different message and a different target audience to Vote Leave is laughable as this was exactly the strategy outlined here by another of their key members, Daniel Hannan. 4/8

It's little wonder that Alan Halsall wanted the police to investigate their electoral crimes; under Dame Cressida Dick the Met couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo. After a two year pseudo-investigation, into Alan Halsall signing a false declaration, the case was dropped. 5/8

Back at the Public Administration & Constitutional Affairs Committee, Dominic Grieve made an insightful comment before Gisela Stuart, who presided over the campaign that left no lie untold in its bid to steal our rights, freedoms and protections, continued the gaslighting. 6/8

Amongst the 112 page dossier Cummings provided to the Electoral Commission is this gem of an email from the slithy Matthew Elliott, an email that predates the DUP's involvement and reveals Vote Leave were actively pursuing opportunities to circumvent electoral spending laws. 7/8

For anyone unfamiliar with the DUP's involvement in the EU referendum, they received a £435,000 donation from a Scottish Conservative activist, who couldn't afford to make such a donation, the DUP then conspired with the Tories to keep it secret. 8/8…

And for anyone unfamiliar with the sheer arrogance of the person who originally set-up Vote Leave in Tufton St, a proponent of Hayekian theory and a disciple of the Atlas Network, here's Andrew Tyrie berating Matthew Elliott for being Matthew Elliott before the EU referendum.1/3

Failing to gaslight the Treasury Committee Chair, Andrew Tyrie, the 'Head of Slytherin' now attempts and fails again to turn on what little charm he possesses. 2/3

Now completely flogging a dead horse, Elliott's sense of entitlement prevents him from doing what anyone with a modicum of common sense would do in this situation. 3/3

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