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COVID19 in Ohio - both the state-published data, and the real life stories that data represents. Data is from Ohio's COVID19 website: https://t.co/UCZWXGcsb4

Jun 6, 2021, 5 tweets

Congratulations, everyone!

Right on schedule! Almost as if they could calculate it from the epidemiological curve and that minor matter of dropping test volume by over half in the last 6 weeks. But there's NO RELATIONSHIP. Promise!

All this good news is because of all the people who have take The Thing! For sure! Because we said so! Of course, v-starts have crashed through the floor with the older age groups far lower than they have ever been before.

But that couldn't possibly be because the Vax-a-Million was a predictable bust, only managing to scavenge people who would have done it anyway at this point and move up their injection date by a little.

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