Jessica A. Hockett Profile picture
PhD | Democide via Directed Euthanasia Protocols + Iatrogenic Policies + Fraud = Staged Global Pandemic | NYC 2020

Jun 7, 2021, 9 tweets

Lead researcher for CDC's Vaccine Breakthrough Team has confirmed that fully-vaxed patients who are hospitalized & incidentally test positive for SARS-CoV-2 are NOT seen as COVID hospitalizations or deaths

This is a sharp contrast to the CDC’s stance during the pandemic🧵

2/The email was a response to my inquiry re: data in the team's 5/28/21 report. I asked about the diff (if any) btw 2 categories of vaxed patients

Researcher confirmed "asymp or hospitalized for a reason unrelated to COVID-19" are mutually exclusive…

3/ Evaluating reported breakthru infections, the CDC team distinguishes 3 kinds of hosp patients. Per email, Patients B & C are "cases [they] know are not related to infection...whose outcomes were clearly NOT related to C19."

Patient A? Data "isn’t strong enough to say"

4/ Per the team's end of May report, nearly 30% of vaccinated hospitalized-for-some-reason patients tested positive for the virus.

Again, the lead researcher says these are "cases we know are not related to infection."

5/This is a departure from the CDC's implicit counting standards that have been applied throughout the pandemic

All three "positive patient types" are included in local, state, & national data -- even tho there's no reason Patient B or C should be in case, hosp, or death numbers

6/ To be clear, I agree with the approach in the left image, as a starting point for reporting ALL data - not just breakthrough infections.

What would our national numbers look like if it were applied?

Hint: very different

7/ Here's a table view of the same information.

Again, there's no earthly reason for the differential standards.

8/ In many ways, the first sentence in the email is the most 😳

Quite an admission from the agency that has liberally defined COVID cases, hospitalizations, & deaths for over a year - to the detriment of the economy, mental health, & societal fabric, among other things

9/ I don’t wish COVID were smallpox, but the truth is, many deadly pathogens have clear-cut, telltale signs that leave little doubt about cause.

By contrast, for this virus, we have the "any death within x number of days of a positive test" definition.

Sloppy, at best.

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