Jessica Hockett 🏹 Profile picture
Democide via Directed Euthanasia Protocols + Iatrogenic Policies + Statistical Fraud/Manipulation = Staged Global Pandemic | NYC 2020 | Ephesians 5:11 | No DMs
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Apr 6 12 tweets 5 min read
The 2017-18 flu[shot] season was a doozy.

There are good reasons to suspect that some of the practical aspects of Operation COVID were effectively launched at this press 2/15/18 conference

Heck of a line up present:
Anne Schuchat, Azar, Adams, Gottlieb, Fauci, & Robert Kadlec Image I'm interested in what Schuchat is saying here.

"mutating or changing in ways that evade the vaccine" sounds like a problem in need solving

🥚🚩 Image
Apr 4 23 tweets 10 min read
To my knowledge, the biggest sudden home cardiac arrest event in the past 4 years - if not ever - in the U.S. was in New York City, spring 2020

It makes no sense to me that "15 Days to Slow the Spread" would trigger cardiac arrest deaths of this magnitude & speed.Image Per an early study of OHCA in NYC, ambulance crews responded to an astounding number of cardiac arrest calls where the pt was dead on arrival

For those to whom resuscitation was given, an incredible number still died.

What the heck happened here?

(Again, this is SPRING 2020)Image
Apr 3 5 tweets 3 min read
Translation of excerpt from September 2019 executive order:

"New platform needed - old platform not working/causing problems"


"Excuse needed to launch new platform"

➡️ Operation COVID-19…Image February 28, 2019: Flu Shot Probs

Scientists have invested considerable time in recent years attempting to figure out why egg-grown vaccines seem to lag behind their cell-grown counterparts. Studies have shown that vaccine strains grown in eggs tend to mutate over time.

"Any influenza viruses produced in eggs have to adapt to growing in that environment and hence generate mutations to grow better," said Ian Wilson, DPhil, a professor of structural biology at the Scripps Research Institute, in California, in a press release.

Unfortunately, those adaptations mean the resulting vaccine is optimized to fight the egg-adapted version of influenza, and not necessarily the strain that is active in the area.

Wilson and colleagues published findings documenting the structural underpinnings of this phenomenon in October. Writing in PLOS Pathogens, Wilson and colleagues said the need to move beyond egg-based flu vaccines is urgent.

I'll bet it was. 🚩 cc: @jenglerukImage
Mar 22 17 tweets 9 min read
Remember this? Image I remember it very well. 🧵🪡

On May 24, 2020, at the tail-end of the NYC death event, The New York Times published "An Incalculable Loss" to mark the alleged "coronavirus" deaths of nearly 100,000 Americans.

The dramatic, visually-arresting feature was compiled from obituaries, news articles and paid death notices that appeared in newspapers & digital media "over the past few months."

The print edition listed a (very calculable) 1,000 names total, between the front page & pages 12-14.

Mar 21 15 tweets 5 min read
Receipt ✅ Image Receipt ✅ Image
Mar 20 6 tweets 3 min read
This May 12, 2020 photo from the front page of the NYT shows an ambulance crew wearing "gas masks". 🤔

▪️Can any NYC/metro EMT or CFR verify having to wear these?
▪️Can anyone identify the specific type/make of these masks and when they would typically be worn? Image Static link to scan of front page (late edition)…
Mar 13 27 tweets 11 min read
In contrast to the government narrative - and popular belief - New York City ambulance data show people were NOT avoiding healthcare and were calling 9-1-1- for medical help.

Oddly, dispatches rose AFTER the Feds said "15 Days to Slow the Spread."

🧵 Image Meanwhile, in Chicago, calls to EMS did NOT spike - they dropped a bit and stayed within a "normal" range.

Are we to believe that New Yorkers are THAT much more intense than Chicagoans -- and that Trump's announcement had a differential impact?

🤔 Image
Mar 4 5 tweets 4 min read

In PANDA’s view, the notion that something then spread during the “pandemic phase” was not driven by person-to-person pathogenic spread but by an extremely rapid ramp-up of PCR testing finding increasing numbers of “positive cases”.

Retrospective analyses of blood (and other) samples collected months before the Covid era consistently found evidence of “the virus” across a wide geographical area. Startlingly, such spread occurred without any reported clusters of unusual illnesses or excess deaths – these only started upon the institution of the response to the assumption that something novel was circulating.

PANDA believes that the rapid rollout of inappropriate, non-specific and oversensitive PCR testing created the illusion that something novel was spreading, whereas in fact all that was truly spreading was the testing itself. In many cases the testing was finding other known or unknown viruses, including those associated with normal seasonal coronavirus waves, whole or fragmented, infectious or not.

As these positive cases were found, a number of perverse incentives created a positive feedback loop, involving more and more testing (especially of “contacts”) being carried out, more “cases” being identified, more testing being demanded, more “cases” being found and so on.

PANDA believes that this conflation of spread of what can be regarded as a mere bystander signal with the spread of a dangerous disease lies at the heart of key conceptual differences between individuals and groups who otherwise share a passion for fundamental human rights and freedom from medical tyranny.

PANDA contends that the harms to health we have witnessed are iatrogenic in nature and/or consequences of the response to the detection of that novel signal, and absent its detection, nothing unusual would have been noticed.

While we accept that front-line clinicians perceived the presence of a deadly and novel disease, this does not account for what would have been observed had people’s interaction with healthcare not been changed so dramatically and augmented by the relentless campaign of fear waged by governments. It is to be emphasised that the putative causative agent had spread widely across several areas without causing such effects well before the “emergency” was declared.

✅ Excerpt from The Nature of the Events of the Covid Era…Image
Mar 4 7 tweets 3 min read
It wasn't a novel pathogen that was spreading.

It was spread of testing.

Clinical observation did not precede the deployment of mass testing.
#SpreadOfTesting…Image #Spread #Different study (one I have posted many times) saying the same thing:

"Our data reveal that SARS-CoV-2 incidence emerged rapidly and almost simultaneously across a broad demographic population in the region. These findings support the premise that SARS-CoV-2 infection was widely distributed prior to virus testing availability."

"In early March, positive SARS-CoV-2 cases were identified simultaneously across the region, with higher incidences in men and older persons. Our geographic analysis supports the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 infection was widely distributed in the greater NYC region when virus testing became available in early March."Image
Mar 3 9 tweets 4 min read
In this April 21, 2020 video, a Mt Sinai (NYC) Doctor says of COVID-19 “the disease is everywhere” and afflicts all ages - not just the elderly - with the exception of children under 14

🚩🚩🚩🚩 This is similar to what @PierreKory told me in January 2023 re: the patients he was seeing in NYC at Mount Sinai Beth Israel (Lower East Manhattan) when he was there in late April/May 2020
Feb 29 9 tweets 4 min read

Emergency Department visits for "Epicenter of the Epicenter" Elmhurst (Queens, NYC) show

🚩visits peaked 2 days after Feds said "15 days to slow the spread"
🚩never came close to H1N1
🚩dropped 60% in April 2020

Did you know @nytimes?Image But wait! It gets better.

Visits had peaked when NYT featured "Damsel in Distress" Dr. Colleen Smith breathlessly being filmed re: the dire & "apocalyptic" situation at Elmhurst

Who staged this scene?

(Not Smith by herself, that's for sure.)…
Feb 27 7 tweets 3 min read
Questions about a statement from Sen. Ron Johnson on Nov 19, 2020

"From the start" of what?
"The start" meaning when?
"Entirely new disease" as evidenced by...?
"No one wanted to under react" to what?
"Highly contagious" in what way?
"National strategic stockpile" of what?
"Meet the demand" of what?
Johnson says "the Coronavirus pandemic" and "the Coronavirus" - why so general this late in 2020? 🤔Image Continued

"Had to make tough decisions" about what?
"Highly imperfect information" yet unprecedented measures * drastic decisions?
"Forced" how?
What was the "difficult situation" being faced"?
"The government's response" to what? (What was the government responding to?)
"Dozens of conferences calls" when?
What was the "unprecedented event"? What made it unprecedented?
What were "the challenges" being "faced"? When & how did those challenges begin? What form did they take?Image
Feb 13 6 tweets 3 min read
The vents were a ruse - a cover for the drugs.

More machines were never needed for “treatment.”

They were needed as an excuse. You can't get fast mass death with vents per se

For starters, there aren't enough

Even w/New York City, we don't have the data needed to claim that vent use from mid-March thru end of May 2020 accounts for the staggering official hospital death toll…
Jan 29 6 tweets 2 min read
January 14, 2020: WHO says Chinese authorities have found no evidence of human-to-human transmission of 2019-nCoV.

The next day, a legal resident of Snohomish County (WA) who had been in Wuhan, China, since Nov 2019, arrived symptom-free at Seattle-Tacoma Airport. Image Jan 19, 2020: Snohomish Man goes to an outpatient clinic several days later with a fever & a cough.

Due to travel history, State contacted CDC, which said to test him for novel CV.

Specimen collected and shipped overnight to CDC. 🧐

On Jan 20, CDC said test was positive.
Jan 19 5 tweets 2 min read
Far as I can tell, this is the biggest mass casualty event a U.S. city hospital system has ever experienced.

-Why no CLARION CALLS for a federal or int'l inquiry?
-Why no names of the dead?
-Who's doing the 4-year documentary?
-Where's the fundraiser for a memorial? Image By the time Dr. Pierre Kory arrived on the scene, the Main Event was over.

Yet ten days later, he was testifying in front of the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee in a roundtable on COVID policy.

Why would a Doctor who had NOT been in an NYC hospital since March, had not witnessed the apex of the casualty event, AND was not an employee of an NYC hospital or system be an optimal witness at such a roundtable?

That makes no sense to me.Image
Jan 7 6 tweets 2 min read
June 2020: Bret Weinstein was "very concerned" about SARS-CoV-2 b/c "brand new evolutionarily".

Convinced the U.S. should've locked down more severely to snuff it out.

"Hated" the idea of curbing civil liberties, but makes exception for "global pandemic" & unknown virus. Perhaps Weinstein has recanted this view he expressed?

Regardless, I hope our standards for Champions of Fundamental Liberties are higher than a man who was (is?) thought the Human Rights Heist of Spring 2020 wasn't harsh enough.

MANY people weren't fooled.

Bret was (is?).
Jan 6 5 tweets 2 min read
My summary of the problems with Bret Weinstein's views, as articulated to Tucker Carlson on today's show, after a first listen:

🚩He believes there was an emergency.
🚩He believes there was a sudden-spreading risk-additive pathogen.
🚩He believe there was a pandemic (and doesn't define what that is)
🚩He believes new (repurposed) treatments were needed for the sudden-spreading thing.
🚩He's far more critical of Pharma than of government.
🚩He expresses concerns about the WHO pandemic treaty without expressing doubts about pandemics as a Thing -- and without recognizing the harms exacted by the U.S. govt in spring 2020.
🚩 He presents himself as a truth teller, yet is not telling or seeking the full truth. And This Guy ⬇️ basically gave a disclaimer upfront, stating the Core Lie outright.

No doubts about virus from Wuhan

No doubts about sudden spread

And (curiously) refers to COVID as the virus

Narrative protected, interview proceeds accordingly
Jan 5 15 tweets 5 min read
New York City weekly deaths (all causes), second week of March 2020

~1,100 deaths/week = normal

Nothing is happening.

No sign of silently spreading deadly coronavirus anywhere. 🧵 Image Four weeks later, the city peaked at ~8,000 deaths in a single week.

No other U.S. city came close. Image
Jan 3 6 tweets 3 min read
"Stay Home, Save Lives" wasn't just a slogan.

It was a carefully-crafted campaign, ostensibly from an unelected bi-partisan group of 20+ public health professionals*.

The Open Letter was published in USA Today on March 15, 2020, the day before the Federal Government decelerated "15 Days to Slow the Spread".

Contrary to what the authors said, there was

❌ No evidence that a risk-additive pathogen was suddenly spreading.

❌ No reason to claim the population was immune-naive & unprotected.

❌ No basis for claiming that older people & those with underlying conditions were at very high rusk of death.

❌ No justification for saying communities would be infected "in waves"

❌ No empirical grounds for saying hospitals would be overrun or have insufficient resources 

EVERYTHING about the message was a lie.

And there's NO WAY it was written overnight or in a panic.

Needless to say, the authors had zero authority to direct or advise citizens, state/local leaders, & healthcare workers and were serving only to prime the population for what the government had already decided to do.

Worst of all, the core lie these people were advancing about a newly-spreading pandemic coronavirus is the SAME CORE LIE about a spreading that most anti-mandate Americans STILL accept.

When will we be ready to confront the toughest questions about those first months of 2020?

None of the presidential candidates are ready, that's for sure.

No member of Congress either, as far as I can tell.

I used to say, "Masks were the hill to die on."

Really, We the People surrendered mid-March 2020 and haven't done much (if anything) to demand that They the Elected tell the truth or Them the Fourth Estate seek it out.

Maybe we're afraid of what we'll find out and what it means about...Us.

###Image *The "public health professionals" Image
Dec 22, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
May 6, 2020: Pierre Kory telling Sen. Ron Johnson what he was seeing in New York City, having been there for 2 weeks. 🎯
Dec 11, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This is the kind of article that seems oppositional, but is actually very much in line with the Government Narrative. Image Note that Paul Alexander is 100% on-board with sudden spread of a novel risk-additive coronavirus"

"The complex and multifaceted pathophysiology of life-threatening COVID illness including viral mediated organ damage, cytokine storm, and thrombosis warranted early interventions to address all components of the devastating illness to the elderly and vulnerable." @jjcouey @MartinNeil9