Delaney King Profile picture
Character/tech artist (Dragonage, Where The Wild Things Are, Unreal 04, Civ IV, D&D Online, God of War:CoO, Stellaris ++) Writer. Minis. Intersex. (SHE/HER)

Jun 7, 2021, 23 tweets

I have been snooping around sketchfab looking at your topology and I must say...

Do you all have shares in 3d cards? Because you are punishing peoples computers for no good reason.

Damn there is some amazing things here- but y'all can get this stuff in from between a third to a tenth of the overhead.

Here are some of your top sins!

Sin 1: Not looking under your model before you publish. Sure, it's the base, but it drives up your count and people can judge you on that.

(reproduction of what I have seen)

Sin 2: Subdividing flat hard surfaces.

What do them there edges even do, y'all?

Top: Naughty
Bottom: Nice

Sin 3: Teeny thin bevels on a baked model

You gotta decide who is giving you normals- your model, or your normal map. If your model looks like this, AND you have a normal map, your kinda doing double duty.

Sin 4: Seriously... I mean... seriously.

Sin 5: Weird budgeting priorities

Your character has boxes for shoulders but their brooch is extremely detailed.

Padme: those sleeves come off, right?

Annakin: *dead eyed grin*

Doing this means painting weights wont prematurely age you and overdraw doesn't bite you.

Sin 6: Floating geo details

Great in theory- but when you LOD, these aren't in the texture of the mesh below, so either crunch badly or disappear.

This pretty much could have been a normal map.

Sin 7: Just because a cylinder needs 32 edges to look round at it's widest part, doesn't mean you need to keep 32 edges at it's smallest. Gun barrels often have duffer amounts of geo inside because of this.

Sin 8: Your cell shade shell doesn't need to be the same as your mesh. You don't have to include internal stuff you will never see.

Actually you can use this for styling your line weight too

Take a glance inside your characters mouth. The underside of tongues and the back are usually like this.

So for sin 9: get into that gob and clean up.

No naming names, but this is a back pack on one (absolutely gorgeous) model.

Pupil on the same character.

Underside of boot.

It isn't all bad news- take a look at the topology that Antonbelyaev lays down on this stylised cart.

Sin 9: Loops to hell.

welp, if you just realised you had to rush off and fix something- do consider throwing money at my head.

Best model I have ever made. Ever.

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