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Fact-Checker, Co-founder @AltNews | Analysing misinfo/disinfo across India | E-mail: | insta :

Jun 7, 2021, 7 tweets

When I shared videos of him abusing Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, calling him India's first terrorist. Almost everyone in RW were silent. But now when he tweets about Yogi Adityanath, They are all together against him. Lot of BJP members including @KapilMishra_IND raised funds for him.

Here are a few tweets of @swati_gs's friend and @KapilMishra_IND collecting funds for communal hate Monger "Yati Maharaj"

Several Hindutva supporters, BJP members, Far RW propaganda websites and a few prominent handles (Journalists, Singers etc) were supporting this hate monger "Mahant Yati Narasimhanand Saraswati Maharaj". He claimed Dr. Abdul Kalam had a huge role in making Atom bomb for Pakistan.

He further vomits, 'When Abdul Kalam visited USA, He was stripped naked. When Dr. Manmohan & Sonia G Objected, USA sent 124 files & said, He might be a Scientist to U, but according to our files, He is a terrorist, guardian of Pakistan & Father of Pakistan's Atom bomb'

Several RW Heros were praising and supporting this Hate Monger "Swami Yati Maharaj". But soon after they found a video of him talking about Modi and Yogi, They've started attacking him. LOL. 😏

Aww! Yati Maharaj abuses Muslims and Islam. RW @BefittingFacts @TajinderBagga is ok if he abuses APJ Abdul Kalam. But how dare you talk about Modi ji and Yogi ji. We will expose your agenda. Will declare you a mole by opposition party (SP) to defame Modi ji & Yogi ji.

"Swami Yati Narasimhanand Saraswati Maharaj" can abuse @DelhiPolice and Hindus and easily get away with it because he has large support base which includes @KapilMishra_IND @swati_gs @NijiSachiv @SanjeevSanskrit and several others BJP leaders.

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