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Jun 7, 2021, 6 tweets

Addressing the nation, PM @narendramodi says

🟤This is the biggest epidemic in the last hundred years, it is a tragedy

🟤The modern world had neither seen nor experienced such an epidemic.

🟤Our country has fought together on many fronts with such a big global epidemic.

@narendramodi PM Modi says

🔵During 2nd wave of pandemic, demand for medical oxygen in India increased unimaginably

🔵Need for medical oxygen never been felt in such quantity in history of India

🔵To meet this need, work was done on a war footing. All machinery of govt engaged for this

@narendramodi There is very less number of vaccine manufacturers in world compared to its demand; Imagine what would have happened in a huge country like India if we didn't have vaccines: PM @narendramodi

@narendramodi If you look at history of last 50-60 years, you will find that it used to take decades for India to get vaccines from abroad; In the last one year, India launched two made-in-India vaccines. Today more than 23 crore vaccine doses administered: PM @narendramodi

@narendramodi Govt has decided that 25 per cent of the vaccine responsibilities that were looked after by the state govts, will now be looked after by the Centre: PM @narendramodi

@narendramodi PM @narendramodi today announced that Centre will provide free vaccines to states for all above 18 years starting 21st June; PM Modi said, no state govt will have to spend anything on the vaccine and the Centre will provide free vaccines to all the countrymen.

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