Jose Pagliery Profile picture
@thedailybeast political investigations reporter ⚔

Jun 8, 2021, 6 tweets

Breaking news: Biden's DOJ will continue to defend Trump in the defamation case that accuses him of raping journalist E. Jean Carroll.

It argues Trump should get immunity... and taxpayers should pick up the tab.…

The Justice Department is trying to walk a fine line here. Right up at the top of its filing tonight, it draws this distinction.

But throughout its brief, the DOJ reiterates that Trump was very much doing his job when he essentially called E. Jean Carroll a liar.

This goes to the heard of the current DOJ position here. If the government won't defend Trump... then maybe it won't defend other federal employees too.

This is legalese for: Even if Trump lied about raping someone... and tarnished his victim's reputation by claiming she lied about the whole thing... he's protected.

Again, the DOJ is distancing itself from Trump's behavior. But it's still taking the stance that he's entitled to a massive, trillion-dollar shield.

The immunity and profound legal resources of the United States of America.

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