Raam Beart 🥭 Profile picture
Martian internationalist who believes in equality, development & cooperation, & an end to imperialism, racism & bullying - known for original #RaamWTF series 😜

Jun 8, 2021, 7 tweets

(1) The head of the Taiwan's Epidemic Command Center admitted that nearly 20% of the Covid patients have died within 3 days after diagnosis, with a mortality rate of 2.49%, the highest in the world


(2) the Covid situation in Taiwan is worsening 😰

(3) When the epidemic in Taiwan was not serious, some experts suggested that a large-scale national test should be conducted to find all asymptomatic cases, but the Tsai regime strongly opposed it

(4) Recently, after an asymptomatic person wad tested positive, he was quarantined in the isolation camp & died on the third day -

(5) A few days ago, local Taiwanese media outlet「毅傳媒」reported that the number of cremations of those who had died of Covid in Taipei City and New Taipei City was higher than the official number of Covid deaths announced by the authorities by over a hundred

(6) no longer the darling of Western media


(7) According to CECC advisor Chang Shan-chwen (張上淳), people aged 60 d over accounted for 92% of the deaths, while the overall fatality rate was 2.6% - the dominant COVID-19 virus in Taiwan is the "Alpha" variant, which was first detected in the UK

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