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Lead writer at | Writer/lecturer on Russian influence & information warfare | same handle on 🦣 journa dot host, on blue sky, on post

Jun 8, 2021, 8 tweets

Lunch break garden walk:

Currently obsessed with the tiny adorable curlycues in the dandelion greens blossoms

This lucky garden spider has a great spot in the center of the crepe myrtle which occasionally gets this ethereal lighting

Well helloooooo red amaranth growing in the corn! (Wild seeds from last year, but my rule is if it grows, it stays)

They both grow tall. They can be friends.

Blaaaaaaaackberries 😍 growing around the edges of things

Oh how I love thee when thee are hot and sweet and free in the mid-Atlantic sun and not $1/berry at the mid-Atlantic Whole Foods

Random sunflower planted in the tomato box by the plushy urban rats who spent most of the window removing all the dirt from the planter because they were annoyed I had put it there and that they had to walk around it when they were sneaking into the yard to eat birdseed. 🌻 🐀

Well hellooooooooooo 🐛 future butterfly! 🦋

This guy eating the red fennel is a black swallowtail, I think.

I took these two peppers, a Carolina reaper and a yellow cayenne, inside for the winter. Back in the sun, they are already cranking. 🌶 ☀️

🔥 fire walk with me! 🔥

Finally here’s a fluffy cat sleeping in the sun

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