This Friday afternoon I'm giving the Fifth Circuit update at the mighty Conference on State and Federal Appeals (so sad I can't see all my friends at the conference this year - hopefully this is the last one fully on zoom)…
I'm often asked how to find out who the appellate lawyers in Texas are (by students or laterals). One way, it occurs to me, is to just make a list of all the speakers. That's underinclusive, but it'll capture a LOT of us.
Also, the timing gives you a fair summary of Texas appellate practice - Fed Appeals is Friday PM, with most of the conference given over to state appeals. That's ... how practice is here too.
@doncruse's statistical presentation is a can't miss.
Connie will be awesome on dealing with the press.
@JudgeDanHinde on the PJC is top notch
A superstar panel with @RuthanneDeutsch on RBG. Timely and exciting.
Amicus Carl on Amicus Briefs
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