Kevin Gannon Profile picture
Educational developer, writer, historian, abolitionist. Not really here anymore. Same username on bluesky.

Jun 9, 2021, 13 tweets

So. You don't think Critical Race Theory "should be taught in our schools" and want to ban it. Please answer the following questions or I will assume you're a clueless lemming who's angry because Tucker Goddamn Carlson told you CRT means you go to jail if you're white. /1

First question: describe Critical Legal Theory's arguments about systems vs. individuals when it comes to juridical harm and how those influenced the development of Critical Race Theory. /2

2nd question for all you CRT experts: which one of Derrick Bell's arguments do you disagree with, and why? /3

3rd Q: CRT asserts that race is a social construct, not a set of consistent biological differences corresponding to "black", "white", "Asian", etc. If you think this is incorrect, explain your opposition to the overwhelming consensus of the entire field of Genetic Science. /4

4th Q: If CRT is wrong about systemic racism and inequities, explain why you believe the plaintiffs' argument in the case of Gary B. v. Whitmer was incorrect and refute their statistical evidence of inequitable outcomes in statistical detail. Show your work. /5

5th Q: Define Kimberlé Crenshaw's concept of intersectionality as it relates to legal outcomes, as her original article did. Discuss why you think those legal biases exist if structural racism isn't a factor. /6

6th Q: since Critical Race Theory is apparently being taught in schools, to the ruination of your children, those poor delicate flowers, identify every curricular instance of CRT, as well as any assessments or course materials that reference the work of CRT scholars. /7

7th Q: Probably the most sweeping argument of CRT is that racism is structural, not individual. In other words, racist outcomes issue from systems and not simply "a few bad apples." If you think this is incorrect, explain *waves hands at all of American history* /8

Final question for you anti-CRT warriors: if white privilege doesn't exist, explain how you can hijack school board meetings, act the fool, dictate pedagogy and curriculum to experts in those areas--yet literally, fundamentally, not know what you're talking about. /9

I know this is a rhetorical exercise, and that these people aren't acting in good faith at all, but JFC would it be too much to ask for a school board chair or a journalist or someone to actually ask a follow-up question instead of ceding the entire debate to these clowns? /X

PS: so folks have been asking where they can go to learn more. Awesome! I love it when ppl want to do the reading. A good, short I review of CRT as it comes out of legal theory and education is this:…

And this LibGuide, from the good folks at the UNC-Chapel Hill Law Library, is an excellent aggregation of key works, further reading, and a good general map of the field. Librarians rule.…

And finally, the best collection of CRT writings I've come across, in terms of getting the sense of the field's breadth as well as the key works, is this volume. A steal at 20 bucks!…

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