Raam Beart 🥭 Profile picture
Martian internationalist who believes in equality, development & cooperation, & an end to imperialism, racism & bullying - known for original #RaamWTF series 😜

Jun 9, 2021, 8 tweets

(1) 4 Covid-related headlines from Taiwan from yesterday 8/6/2021:

(a) The 48-year-old cameraman of a TV station in Taipei was found dead with his pants half down in the toilet at his workplace on 7 June - his family thought the death was alcohol-related, but it was confirmed

(2) that he was infected with Covid -the policeman who delivered his sample for testing rushed to the hospital for testing & all employees at the TV station have to be tested as well & are under medical observation


(3) (b) people saw a dead body floating near the shore of Shezi Island in Taipei - police salvaged the corpse, which was later tested positive for Covid - the deceased man told a car rental owner earlier that he had a fever- the 8 policemen who dealt with it were tested negative

(4) 水流屍打撈上岸確診新冠肺炎 生前發燒曾到車行歸還租金


(5) (c) A young man admitted to hospital in Taipei after a car accident was diagnosed with Covid - the doctor who handled this case expressed concern that there are many asymptomatic cases & urged the authorities to curb the spread of asymptomatic transmission

(6) 年輕人車禍送醫竟確診 醫驚:無症狀感染者超多


(7) (d) a 65-year-old veteran independent media worker who committed suicide in his home the day before yesterday was tested positive for Covid yesterday - his nephew said that he recently had a cough & suffered from diarrhea

(8) 65歲「自媒體人」易小文前天在住處輕生死亡,昨採檢陽性,證實染疫。據易小文的外甥所述,易最近有咳嗽、拉肚子狀況


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