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Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Jun 9, 2021, 10 tweets


1/ This will try & get to the bottom in what in the unholy fuck the background to this ceremony was & who was behind it

Mistake many people make: this wasn’t the CERN opening

This was for a railway tunnel

Interesting term of measurement eh?

2/ In case you missed that

They described the amount of rock removed as “5 Giza Pyramids” worth

That’s an odd, coincidental choice

Maybe I’d ignore it if it didn’t have the satanic opening, but here we are...

3/ Angela Merkel, Matteo Renzi & others were there

For those of you not too familiar with geography or politics

They’re not Swiss & this tunnel has nothing to do with any country other than Switzerland

“Hey, we built a tunnel!”

“Fuckin’ great for you” should be the response

4/ Merkel needs no introduction, but Matteo should be recognized as a corrupt fuck

who was one of the dominoes that fell during that coincidental cascade of world leaders that stepped down

Hollande also didn’t seek re-election but he was the most unpopular President since 1958

5/ Christian Kern at least had a tie to European railways

He also put someone who hated Israel in charge of Jewish affairs

but he too strangely stepped down from his party, then from politics entirely in 2018

Other than Merkel, all the others mentioned were gone within 2 years

6/ But this is about the Ceremony

I’m not gonna recommend watching it

I’ve watched highlights, & it’s the stuff of nightmares

Some people have suggested they were trying opening a portal

I don’t know about that

But they’re fucked the fuck up

7/ Ahh now we get some names:

“Orchestrated by German director Volker Hesse...”

Oh look, born in Germany in a certain time

He wrote his dissertation on Berhnard Diebold, who is the subject of the last screengrab: a Notsee Apologist & Fanboi

8/ So The Director of the Swiss monstrosity is a German who studied Notsee apologists

Strong start... but are we surprised

Also: just wtf is this

9/ The railway is owned by SBB

Which stands for Swiss Federal Railway of course

(I’m joking,

it stands for the worst scrabble hand on earth)

10/ Truth be told, there are at best quizzical fluff pieces on this event so I’m also leaving this open-ended for the in case other threads tie into this

Either way, if anyone tries to tell you this was just an avante garde celebration of Switzerland,

you can kill that noise

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