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Jun 10, 2021, 8 tweets

"Two people crawl into two different #MentalHealth services... One person is offered an outstretched hand & a listening ear.... The other person is given an unmarked pill bottle & a door that they don’t have a key for"

Which type of care would you choose?

"In cities both struggling and flourishing,
#MentalHealth services turn away from respect
and refuse to look human rights in the eye."

We need mental health care that is both respectful of human rights and focused on recovery.

[#MentalHealth services] getting it right are “few & far between, but they are a shining beacon of hope to those who ask for help.
Where professionals treat the person & not just the symptoms."

Such services not only respect rights but are proving successful & cost-effective.

"The power to change lives has been placed in our palms.
You can be the difference between a life & a body.
You can save a success story from becoming an obituary."


"If we have human rights at the foundation of health-care, we will save more than lives.
We will save memories, dreams, passions & purpose.
We can stop another person’s time from running out… if we just act now."


Globally, severe human rights abuses are still far too common in #MentalHealth care in all countries, regardless of income levels. E.g. incl forced admission & forced treatment; unsanitary living conditions; physical & verbal abuse

According to the WHO #MentalHealth Atlas 2017, globally, the median government expenditure on mental health represents less than 2% of total government health expenditure. This needs to change.

#MentalHealth care should be located in the community and support for day-to-day living, such as facilitating access to accommodation and links with education and employment services.

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