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Jun 10, 2021, 16 tweets

1) I noticed that Sunetra Gupta will be appearing at a World Freedom Forum event so had a look into the other people on the line-up…

2) The discredited scientist, Judy Mikovits, reappeared last year with the film “Plandemic”. Mikovits has also shared anti-vax conspiracy theories.…

3) Reiner Fuellmich is currently leading the German Corona Investigative Committee in an attempt to bring about “Nuremberg II”. Fuellmich is also a member of the German protest party Die Basis. Der Spiegel wrote about Die Basis:

4) Cristina Martín Jiménez, journalist and author, has referred to the global coronavirus outbreak as a “plandemic” and claimed that “I advanced the tactic of the pandemic as a weapon of war.”…

5) Heiko Schöning, member of the World Doctors Alliance, has claimed that Sars-Cov II is “not a coronavirus”. Heiko has also attended events with anti-vaxxer Robert Kennedy Jr.

6) Ángel Ruíz-Valdepeñas & Natalia Prego Cancelo are members of Doctors for Truth Spain. Ruíz-Valdepeñas was given a 6 year suspension for “postulating the denial of the pandemic”.…

7) Dolores Cahill is a founding member of the World Doctors Alliance & has recently spoken of her support for Lawyers for Liberty & Kate Shemirani’s British Nursing Alliance. Cahill pictured below with L4L’s de Buisseret & Shemirani.

8) Andreas Kalcker falsely claimed that chlorine dioxide (CDS) could be used to treat covid. An investigation was launched in Argentina against Kalcker after two people died from ingesting CDS.…

9) Rashid Buttar is an osteopath, has made multiple false claims about vaccines, was reprimanded by the North Carolina Medical Board, & used to sell skin drops ($150 a bottle) to treat autism and cancer.…

10) Chanda Brandolino is an Argentine doctor and known as “The woman of the light blue wave” (referencing blue scarves worn by anti-abortion proponents & extreme right wing political groups).

11) Fernando Lopez-Mirones has falsely claimed that MRNA vaccines would cause “ourselves to be a transgenic being” (?????)…

12) Colonel Guillermo Tamayo has also prescribed to Kalcker’s CDS treatment for covid, has featured many of the above people at his events, and founded CONUVIVE organisation (yet another conspiracy theory-led org. like World Doctors Alliance).

13) Wolfgang Wodarg is a German physician, co-authored a piece with discredited scientist Michael Yeadon (see link below) which falsely linked vaccination with infertility, and claimed coronavirus was harmless.……

14) Ángelo Giogianni has falsely claimed that “this pandemic is tool of social engineering" & covid vaccines "could cause sterility in men & women”.…

15) This seems to be very unusual company for a highly respected Oxford professor to be associated with. However, I’ll be writing a thread on Gupta’s Collateral Global group which will show that this does appear to be the kind of “scientists” Gupta wants to work with.


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