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I try to simplify the markets ➡️ Macro insights 🔎 | Stock market info 📊 | Tech news 💬 | 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 🗞️ @TheOneRead | Not financial advice.

Jun 10, 2021, 8 tweets

Genomics🧬- you don't have to be an investor. But I truly believe everyone can benefit from at least learning the basics.

This 🧵 will give you a simplistic route to accumulate knowledge in a complex scientific improvement.


1/ Initially, wanted to do a deep dive into $BEAM and $CMLF.

That may be helpful, but then I realized; if I can share how you can simply learn about this sector, it may be serve longer lasting purpose.

Inspired by @AviNMash education Thursdays. #PeakLife

2/ @CathieDWood has publicly said this many times, Genomics could be the best performing sector over the next decade - stop here and buy $ARKG? Or read on to learn more ..

CRISPR - Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats

2a/ Watch 📺 - Human Nature on $NFLX. This will teach you the basics of CRISPR. You’ll learn more about the evolution that has taken place in science over the past several years. How CAS9 is used and much more!

3/ Once above is completed spend time learning about the advancement of this technology. Base editing.

The longer we base, the bigger the breakout ? For base editing you have to hear it from the mastermind himself @davidrliu :


4/ Basics ✅. Now peep @NatHarooni page who shares insightful knowledge on this subject consistently and its awesome.

$BEAM bros! He talks in depth about many stocks in this sector, and has a great baseline understanding.

5/ "And the person who has the data matters, but the person who understands and uses the data wins."-@AnthonyOhayon


Tune into @PoundingDaTable epi 26 , and you will be fascinated with $CMLF. s/o @tweetatmehomie 🤛

6/ I hope you are able to walk away with a high level understanding into an area that has the potential to vastly change our lives forever.

Hopefully, this triggers the curiosity to dig deeper and learn more :) $ARKG

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