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Jun 11, 2021, 11 tweets

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Relentless REvil, revealed: RaaS as variable as the criminals who use it

No two criminal groups deploy the ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS), also known as Sodinokibi, in exactly the same way...

(a thread) 1/11

As attacks involving RaaS malware, including REvil, increasingly have generated attention, we wanted to pull together a common body of our knowledge about the ransomware itself, and the variety we observe in attack methods employed by the criminals who lease the software. 2/11

We've also reviewed reports from Sophos Rapid Response about attacks involving Sodinokibi/REvil where the MTR team were hired to provide incident response and cleanup. From these detailed analyses, we were able to develop a picture of a common malware being deployed. 3/11

Typical attack phases:

1. Penetration and initial access
2. Credential harvesting and privilege escalation
3. Tilling the field
4. Deployment of the ransomware


1. Common initial access methods used by criminals who attacked using Sodinokibi/REvil:

▫️ Brute-force attacks
▫️ Abuse of previously-obtained credentials/access
▫️ Piggybacking as a payload from other malware present on the target’s network.


2. Credential harvesting and privilege escalation

If ransomware threat actors haven’t bought a stolen or phished credential, they’ll often quietly monitor the network where the computer on which they gained an initial foothold is located. 6/11

3. Tilling the field

The attackers establish a list of internal targets, give themselves domain admin privileges, and use those privileges to shut down or otherwise hobble anything that might impede their attack. 7/11

4. The final insult: deployment

Attackers have launched the ransomware payload using a wide variety of methods... Sodinokibi/REvil has a few additional options that its operators may take advantage of by launching the malware with special command flags. 8/11

(Some) guidance for IT professionals:

▫️ Monitor and respond to alerts
▫️ Use strong passwords
▫️ Use Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
▫️ Lock down accessible services
▫️ Segmentation and Zero-Trust
▫️ Inventory your assets and accounts
▫️ Patch everything


Sophos products detect various forms of Sodinokibi/REvil as Troj/Sodino-*, Mem/Sodino-*, and HPMal/Sodino-A.

Users of Sophos LiveDiscover can run SQL queries to interrogate telemetry from devices on their managed network, and hunt for unusual or unexpected behavior. 10/11

Read more from @threatresearch:…

And thank you to SophosLabs researchers @AnandAjjan, Hajnalka Kope, @markloman, and Rapid Response manager @AltShiftPrtScn who contributed to our understanding of REvil attacks and the malware’s behavior.


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