Lots of fascinating behind the scenes insights from @AmberRuddUK
In the PRE Brexit ref and post referendum period.
In 2010 when she stood for election in Hastings she was surprised how many turned up for an event about giving a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty- swamped- compared to ones where she expected high engagement :- Local hospital - 4 people; local schools- 3 people
Early warning
As for the the campaign.
Had Labour had a different leader other than Corbyn how much better the campaign would have been.
Post referendum and May.
She did not consult. The MPs had any influence over her decisions.
Wow. People in the then cabinet were troubled about a transition period as they honestly thought there would be a rush of people from the EU busting a gut to join the U.K.
The delusion is strong. Very strong.
The thread keep breaking!
That unhealthy obsession with immigration that May shares with Patel that has infected such unwise policy and Brexit decision.
When the rebels would not go along with the Whip, the Whip tried to pick off David Gauke.
But 17 of them decided to stick together.
Were they really going to sack 17 MPs?
Then there was Johnson.
And Prorogation.
And trying to get the Attorney-General ( Geoffrey Cox’s) advice.
She’d had enough and resigned.
Then followed the expulsions.
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