Onwards and upwards (in a very bad way).
🦠8125 cases ⬆️⬆️
(By swab date, remembering that results still to be added to recent days) 7th 8th & 9th June all over 7k and likely to rise higher.
⚰️ 17 (28 day) deaths ⬆️⬆️
🏥 admissions 173 ⬆️⬆️
💉 510k vaccination doses
See @LawrenceGilder graphs.
⚰️60 day deaths (24)
Positivity rates in England steadily rising every day now. 1.9% overall
But is several places over 5% . Some hovering around 10% and Blackburn with Darwen 15%.
🏥 admissions.
ICU beds 16-5-21 (123) to 10-6-21 (158).
Still running close to 10% of admissions
Inpatients 🏥 were discharging faster that admissions but that tide seems to be turning back up again
938 on 16/5/21 1058 on 9/6/21
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