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Jun 12, 2021, 10 tweets

GOP 2024 Candidate πŸ™„
Vladimir Putin Returns Compliments to Donald Trump Ahead of Joe Biden Meeting…

45 praised how he's handling Navalny..πŸ™„πŸΈπŸΈπŸΈπŸΈ

Let's compare, shall we?

EVERY @GOP member should be ASHAMED for debasing themselves over a guy who isn't even loyal to the country that he resides in.

Last G7 was missed when 45 made a "unilateral decision" to stand in solidarity with PUTIN who was NOT invited.
What a LEWSER!

A message to the @GOP who missed history class.

Did GOP say ANYTHING about the fact the 45 alienated ALL of America's allies in lieu of murderous dictators?
I don't think so..

What's NOT to love?

GOP allowed 45 to attack the postal system right before an election?

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