FUCK FASCISM Women's Rights Are Human Rights Fuck MAGA
The blue check mark was given to me. Did not pay one red cent. Can't hide it, either.
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Oct 12, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Trump referred to Kamala Harris as "retarded" during a dinner speech for Republican donors.
I supposed it's not a big deal that the Special Olympics described that word as, "A form of hate speech"
It's who he is.
suppose... I caught the typo over 3 hours later lol
Sep 2, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
During a DC hearing, Matt Gaetz bragged that he had self-adopted an underage boy and nobody said a word.
Since when does anyone "self-adopt" a child. That's called kidnapping and nobody (even on our side) said a word. That's inexcusable. We don't self-adopt in America. That's why there's so much child abuse.
I'm getting a little tired of how this DOJ treats sex offenders in America.
Everyone knows that Greenberg cooperated with the DOJ re Matt Gaetz's sex trafficking accusations. I believe it happened the way he said. DOJ dropped the case after 3 years of investigating Gaetz and Ethics picked it RIGHT BACK UP and punted it back to him. People are saying "someone is cooperating, now." Someone was cooperating, before. Unfortunately, it looks like we'll have to wait for a new DOJ to look into Gaetz, because sex crimes isn't as important as going against Matt's powerful father. Also FBI... they're not even cracking open rape kits in police stations across America, especial the ones that come from women of color.
What a pathetic way to treat females.
Aug 24, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Last night, Trump Tweeted, "What gives Harris the right to run?"
Let's ask this, instead: What gives Trump, convicted rapist, who hasn't even returned the Classified intel he stole while faking his own assassination attempt resulting in 2 dead people, the right to run for the highest office in America?
Look at the picture they used!😅😅😅😅
Aug 23, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I saw that last night Weirdo was typing in caps that he WILL PROTECT WOMEN?
Trump is a fucking convicted rapist who was on the Epstein Flights (thanks for nothing, media) SEVEN TIMES. Are people nuts? A rapist doesn't protect women.
Jul 21, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The man sitting at the head of this table is Jason Miller. He performed an abortion on his unsuspecting mistress with an abortion pill laced Smoothie when she refused to abort the baby. She ended up in a coma. Look at all the big "Pro-Life" power players sitting at his table, knowing what he did and not giving a shit.
Why won't the media report what Jason Miller did?
They've interviewed him a billion times and not a peep. He lost the slander case in court, so what gives?
He lost the case in court. Where's the media?vanityfair.com/news/2021/05/t…
Jul 16, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Trump went golfing the morning after the 'attack' with nothing covering his ear, showing no visible injuries.
He showed up at the RNC with a Stay Free Mini Pad coving a tiny section of his ear which would show there's no injuries and it isn't beyond suspicious?
The shooter had his signs all over his lawn. Why would he try to kill him? Isn't it possible he was manipulated? He was mentally troubled as fuck. Think about it.
People were able to snap a photo of this guy but SS missed it? Oh please.
Jun 24, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Where does it say in Americans law that those over a certain income are allowed to blow off subpoenas?
This has become common practice. There are too many rich criminals treating them as suggestions while we'll be arrested for doing the same thing.
Where's the law manager? I'll be a Karen if I have to.
Leo and Crow were subpoenaed to explain what they did with SCOTUS and they told Durbin to fuck off.
That was the end of it? HOW? Is that a written law, if not, indict them. Mo Brooks wearing body armor to 1/6 blew off a subpoena but you can't.
May 29, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Clarence won't recuse himself from election rulings while HIS OWN WIFE wrote 30 letters to states offering her help to overthrow the election outcome and Alito won't recuse himself as HIS OWN WIFE flew the flag upside down to show unity with insurrectionists.
Now, we have a WIFE problem on the Supreme Court that is most definitely our business and it's time to do something about corrupt robes that don't feel the urge to play by the rules.
WHAT BUSINESS DOES SCOTUS HAVE removing their and their family's names from the list of leak suspects?
Who the fuck do they think they are?
Apr 27, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Kavanaugh is a Justice? Kennedy resigned early, Republicans agreed to an FBI Investigation and Wray turned over 4500 Kavanaugh tips to TRUMP and told the Senate that the investigation "went by the book." Is by the book turning over the facts of an investigation over to someone who wants to kill it? This should not have happened.
Dec 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Mike Johnson said "Adopting a black child helped shape his views on race in America"
What a crock of shit! Mike took a 14 yr old boy into his home, did NOT adopt him, did NOT give him an education then put him out on the street to be arrested 13X
Where's the boy's photo??
The boy had EIGHTEEN criminal cases from 2003-2010 (AFTER he met Mike) including cocaine possession with paraphernalia and concealed weapons.
Paying off the boy to say he was treated well isn't explaining where he is in ANY family photo.
Jun 17, 2023 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Ok, so Ginni Thomas not only wrote over 30 letters to states offering to show them how to change the vote outcome, but she paid and planned for the coup she referred to as her "cavalry" in text. Either indict her or say why you're not going to. It's pissing everyone off.
IF the Biden administration wants to keep our votes SAFE they MUST indict Ginni Thomas. Getting rid of DeJoy who hid ballots in the last election wouldn't hurt a bit.
Jun 17, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Republicans defending an American traitor also honored 1/6 Insurgents and had double murderer, Kyle Rittenhouse at the Capitol as their guest.
People like voting for garbage, what can you do but #VoteBlue in record numbers.
Think of what they could've achieved if they just would've dumped Trump. Instead they've taken the entire country into the sewer with them
Jun 17, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I hate Republicans
So, children get shot trying to get an education but you go right ahead and make ending free lunch your priorities, @GOP?
Damn, these people are so ignorant
Jun 15, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
44 Billion Dollar Clunker
I haven't Tweeted yet, this month🤣
Now there's some accurate Analytics😜
Jun 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"..
MAGA hate their country and everything it stands for.
Hillary and Hunter this🖕 you unpatriotic squatters
At some point DOJ has to trouble themselves to stop allowing migrants to be kidnapped off the street and sent to nowhere. Now, this will keep happening until this DOJ does their job. No human is "illegal" and we're allowing this in 2023? It's shameful.
AND they need to stop f*cking with their food carts. They have to right to sell food with a permit and sorry if MAGA doesn't like it.
Jun 14, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Seriously, Republicans are threatening to cut off funding to the FBI if they don't drop a traitor's indictment? Democrats don't play that game, do they?! rawstory.com/raw-investigat…
Gen Z, I hope you're paying attention to this corruption
Jun 14, 2023 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
There were women in the ICE Prisons who had unnecessary hysterectomies given to them per their and the Whistleblower's accounts. They were deported when they spoke up and yet I see nothing happening to uncover the truth about what went down in those Ice Concentration Camps. Why?
I'm angry because America performed surgery on women who did not need it and nobody is speaking up.
Jun 14, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I really want to see those who invited and paid for the 1/6 jailed insurgents to be behind bars with them. This is really a stupid justice system, here. Ginni Thomas? 30 letters and nobody is bothering her? Just stop it. It's offensive.
People who paid for busses and matching clothing shouldn't be allowed to harass LGBTQ and roll back women's rights. They're putting innocent people on planes to nowhere and getting away with it. Garland goes on TV and sounds like a mouse. Sorry if you're a fan.
I am not
Jun 14, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Since Adam Schiff is trending, I'll mention that he's my choice for Senator of the great state of California #SchiffForSenate
Yes, Katie Porter is great BUT she's better in the House and has many more years to come